Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence
Antiquities and historical values

Nationalism (nationalism) ایرانی : Genealogical or democratic

Iranian nationalism: Genealogical or democratic

A part of the editorial of Poye Quarterly, no 3 and 4, spring and summer 1397:

Undoubtedly, addressing Iranian nationalism is a very difficult task. The most important difficulty is due to the footprint that Iran has in the ancient world. Iran is one of the few countries in the world that has survived from ancient times and the people of this country tell a long story of their Iranian identity; They carry a long-standing national identity from the distant past. Recorded history indicates that from more than two thousand years ago until the revolution 1357 Iran has been ruled by royal dynasties most of the time. Iran is a society that has a long religious history in ancient times and in the post-Islamic period, and for centuries has played a key role in the collective perception of Iranians of the relations, institutions and practices of society, religion and now the country under a religious state. Managed.
Another difficulty in researching the nation and nationalism in Iran is the lack of accumulated literature and academic style and competing theoretical traditions about Iranian nationalism.. Although there is no such accumulated literature on and about Iranian nationalism, theories have been put forward.. Shahrokh Moskoob considers Dari Persian as one of the important elements of Iranian national identity and a factor for the continuation of Iranian nationalism. In his analysis of nationalism in Iran, Dariush Ashouri emphasizes the modernity of nationalism and nationalism. But Seyyed Javad Tabatabai, relying on the concept of Iranshahri, declares nationalism in Iran to be premodern.. The theories presented by these Iranian thinkers have not found a place in the level of world-renowned theories and even in Iran they have not been sufficiently scientifically critiqued and studied.. It is not yet clear how these thinkers' views relate to the world-renowned theories of nationalism and, more precisely, what they have in common and what they have in common.. In particular, it is necessary to look at the reference theories to determine what is the indigenous element in the theories expressed by Iranian thinkers about nationalism?
In order to create an accumulated literature on Iranian nationalism and nationalism, such questions must first be answered.:
Are the roots of Iranian nationalism modern or premodern?
What role does ethnic reality play in it?
Is the nature of this nationalism subjective or objective?
What is the role of language, history, symbols, myths, and memories in Iranian nationalism?
What is the place of culture in Iranian nationalism from a descriptive and descriptive point of view?

Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence

Shamshad Amiri Khorasani

Knowing the history and culture of Iran is like entering a world where nothing awaits us except love and honor and sometimes sadness, maybe our history is stored in the memory of our genes so that we can use it to expand self-awareness and self-awareness. .

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Bahman Arya

Hello to all friends. Please”اشتباه نشود.حساب حکومت هادرایران راباحساب ناسیونالیسم واقعی ایران وپارس بایدجدادانست ورفتارهای حکومت هارابه معنای ایرانیت ندانیم وچنانچه موضع بگیریم بایستی به حکومتها مربوط شودوایرانیت رابه حکومت گره نزنیم.ناسیونالیسم واقعی ایرانی ازوروداعراب به بعدسرکوب شده وحتی یک حکومت هم باویژگیهای پارسی_آریایی نداشته ایم.حتی آنهایی که تعصب ایرانی رانشان میداده اندهم درواقع مخلوط ومعجونی ازایران واسلام راعرضه میکردندکه هیچ ربطی به ناسیونالیسم نداشته(Like Samanian and Pahlavi).During the Islamic period, even though there was a government rebellion against the Caliph, it also did not have a nationalist aspect, and our path was Islam and not Iran.(Manndi Yaqub Laith and Sultan Mohammad Kharzamshah were the governors of Persian teachers).
هرآنکس که ازناسیونالیسم ایرانی میخواهددفاع کندنبایستی رفتارهای حکومت های پس ازاسلام راشاخص بگیردوهمینطورمخالفان نیزاشکالات حکومتهای پس ازوروداسلام رانبایستی به ایرانیت مربوط بدانند.جایی که دین رسمی اسلام است،حتی اگرخودآن حکومت ادعای ناسیونالیسم داشته باشدهم نمیتواندصحت داشته باشد.
Being an Iranian Shia also has nothing to do with Iranian nationalism, just Shiism”It is a trend within Islam.
Considering Pahlavi as a nationalist is completely wrong” It is wrong. The Pahlavi Islamism of the father and the son has always been important to their Iran, but with the Shiite tendency. In this regard, apart from the Pahlavi Constitution, which considered the official religion to be Islam, there are so many evidences and reasons that there is no need to mention them..
جمهوری اسلامی هم همینطور.شخص بنیان گذارآن ازهمان ابتدااعلام کردکه ملیت راقبول نداردوهمه چیزاین حکومت اسلام است.
Authentic Iranian and Persian nationalism is the one related to Cyrus the Great, Darius the Great, Sassanid Shirvan, and Khosrow Parviz, in whose territories there was no obligatory humiliation and limitation of ethnic and religious customs and traditions. They did not force people to speak and write Persian like the Islamic Arabs..
So those who want to defend Persian nationalism and Iranism, please”Do not justify the government's behavior with nationalism, which is very wrong and irrelevant. Those who have ethnic and tribal demands, please”Governments should distance themselves from Iranian nationalism, which has no connection and will not have any results.”The government will like it very much if the disaffected people go to the wrong address of Nasbonalism, their Islam will still be free and their profession will be in place. Be victorious.

Bahman Arya

The root of Iranian nationalism is the very powerful ancient Persian nationalism. Of course, nationalism also existed in many countries. For example”Arab, Mongol, Turkish nationalism in Asia, Bulgarian, Hungarian, and Gol and Saxon in Europe.. but what is recognized as the basic nationalism by the scientific and political sectors of the world are the two nationalisms of Greece and Rome in the west and Persian nationalism in the east. But why is this so?. The main reason for this difference is the pioneering of these two nationalisms in civilization. The building of the university in Pars and the Dariwan Academy, the history of the official religion in Pars, the Dariwan philosophy, the creation of the House of Representatives and the Senate in both countries, the presence of regular armed forces, outstanding works of architecture and culture, world-class scientists, and an orderly and defined system of the court and government and organizational divisions in society and reception. The tax is based on calculation and not based on looting, and the absence of brutality in tribal conflicts, such as stealing agricultural products, weighing worms, having a civil education system, and a wage-based production system, minting gold coins, and writing civil law are among them..
But why are these non-nationalisms called powerful?
There are two main reasons:
1-Consolidation. This means that with the passage of time and even the invasion and occupation of other ethnic groups, although it undergoes changes due to the dominance of less civilized ethnic groups, it has not disappeared..
۲_درارکان فرهنگی ومذهبی ودانش ومعماری وادبی جهانی تاثیردائمی و قابل مشاهده وقابل عرضه داشته باشد.مثلا”The strong influence of Greek, Roman, and Persian architecture on political and Islamic buildings in the West. Or how to create a university and education according to the Gendishaporo University of the Greek Academy..
Of course, not all ancient actions in Rome, Vienna, and Persia can be absolved from mistakes, and wars and conflicts are of this kind, and this is the case in all human societies. Rival civilizations or peoples lacking understanding of civilization. Unfortunately, this situation has happened to the land of Persia and Iran.
Of course, the role of the forced separation of parts of the original land of Persia such as Azerbaijan and Georgia and the western parts such as Kurdistan in Iraq, Ararat, Herat and Bahrain cannot be considered ineffective in the collapse of Iran's national spirit, but what is important for the community of nations is the cultural heritage of Persia, which today among all the peoples of this land is called Iranian culture exists.
Therefore, the main aspect of Iranian nationalism is self-belief and flourishing and preservation of scientific and cultural achievements, and not humiliation of others. As in the whole extent of the Persian Empire, no ethnic group was humiliated, there was no forced slavery and alienation, and the rights of nations were equal..
امابه عنوان مثال میبینیم عرب باهمه ی ادعایی که داشت، پس ازغلبه برسرزمین های آزاد وآباد،تمام آن حقوق را زیرپاگذاشت آن هم بادستوردین.آنچه راهم بعدا”Like other attackers, he acquired an adaptation of civilizational achievements
And it was with the help of the Iranians themselves, because the Arabs lacked the roots of civilization.
Dear Iran, at present, it has become so small and its territorial and cultural aspects have been so weakened that it was unbelievable and unacceptable for a citizen of this land two thousand years ago. However, there is no justification for jokes like partition and such words are always made by the Russians and through some Russian officials in the university with obvious and hidden ideas. Communism is said to be invalid in the eyes of all the ethnic groups of Iran. The Russians' aim is to disturb the political sphere of the Iranian governments, so that they take the lead and keep Iran away from the tension zones, namely Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan, and Armenia..
In the end, it is necessary to know that the irregularities and weaknesses that occurred in the Iranian society after the domination of Islam by the serial Islamic governments have nothing to do with Iranian nationalism. The original Persian nationalism was so progressive that conquerors like Alexander and the descendants of Genghis Mongols embraced it and considered the Seljuk and Ghaznavid Turks to be valid. Wasfawi and Qajar knew themselves in its domain and relied on Iranism, and people like Nader Shah Bozor and Agha Mohammad Khan were very prejudiced against it. This original nationalism was praised by people like Napoleon, Churchill, Roosevelt, Bush, Pedro, and the Japanese..
Therefore, we should not attribute the behavioral impurities of the governments to Persian nationalism and the pervasive Iranian nationalism, and if one day we can recognize this nationalism correctly and implement it correctly, that day we will be able to give hope to our future and our land, and we will realize how much it has been distorted by the waste of time following the Arabs and Russians. Am.
Be Iranian and proud


There is no such difference of opinion in any country ! Some people defend Pan-Iranism, countless others attack the foreign Arab culture and tear its collar, and some people are looking for a way to mix the two. ! At some point, they realize that the train of world civilization has moved away and they are all left behind . Wasted resources and time, others have progressed and these poor people are still tearing each other apart over how to perform ablution properly.


Great people have always had many enemies, but great people who even enemies are few to bow down to justice, kindness and magnanimity. Cyrus the Great was a clear example of a progressive, wise and just leader whose services and behavior are praised by history.…Great people always have many lovers who love them to the point of worship…The Persian materialistic culture has always been dominant in the great Iran throughout history and has remained strong against the aggression of the enemies. Now a few separatists force and try hard, but the culture of this country will always prevail and dissolve others in itself. and will


ناسیونالیسم مدنی تعریف داره که باستانگرایی و شیعه گری رو شامل نمیشه
In civil nationalism, as much as you have the right to love the blind, I have the right to hate the blind, and the link between us as a nation is the constitution, which guarantees my right and your right.…I am not considered as a blind person because of my hatred for Kuresh Khapan
In civil nationalism, as much as you have the right **** I have the right to love you **** to be hated and the connecting link of us as a nation is the progressive and progressive constitution that guarantees my right and your right…I hate because of ***** I will not be considered a liar
Take a look at America
One hundred percent, an American is more interested in his country's flag than an Iranian
The flag is really moving in American life
It is true that they also burn their own flag (The American Constitution has given this permission to American citizens) But they are upset that the flag of their country is being disrespected by someone else
In the blank, the history of that flag in its present form (50 stars) … In fact, a country called America has been under the command of the internal unit for 241 years
what are we
For us, which flag really has the status of a national thread that we must cling to and transcend our differences?
During the pre-revolutionary period, the lion of the sun became a symbol of tyranny, and now the current flag has become a government symbol
A country is not made old
A progressive and progressive constitution makes a country, which makes the members of the nation feel proud that they are citizens of that country and that the constitution of that country is implemented in relation to them, and when necessary, they are ready to defend the survival of that constitution and as a result of the country. and be a flag
Iran's current nationalism is not democratic in any way and it can be said that Iran is based on the dictatorship of the majority
This gathering around Koresh's tomb is an act of the same kind as gathering around Ali's tomb (ع) And it is even worse
Because at least when people go to Hazrat Ali's tomb, they don't curse others
Do not play football with Koresh, according to Toraj Atabaki
Democratic nationalism is based only on the rights specified in the constitution for the members of the nation, not on ancient games
A progressive constitution should be a national pact… Not blind and ….


Someone who because of religious prejudices (Like Daesh and examples of compatriots) He does not understand the meaning of the homeland, he is pitiable because of his lack of intelligence.
Anyone who does not understand the meaning of religion due to racial prejudices and localism is equally pitiful.
But someone who has no religion and no homeland is not at the level of pity. Rather, in the position of a microbe in society, which has no function other than harming.

A person who hates the owner of a house in which he is sheltered and is not under the condemnation and humiliation of others is the worst.. What kind of ridiculous justification is there to respect or be proud of a law that is the work of himself and some other idiots for trial and error with the fate of a nation.!!

Many parasites living in Iran still do not know the meaning of being proud. They are proud of something that others cannot do. For example, a beggar cannot be proud of his misfortune because everyone can be miserable. Iftikhar becomes a billionaire because not everyone can get there.

If a country has a personality like a prophet that its competitors praise, it can be proud, although those who tear themselves in front of this great man in Iran today are not at the level of being rivals, and they did not even have the happiness of the sheep of Koresh Kabir during his shepherding..


Hello, in the posted photo, notice that the cigarettes are gathered around the mouths and legs of this work. Instead of looking to the future and discussing and finding the root of the problems, they have gathered around a piece of stone. Now, let's say that investments are not for youth work, but they are for Ho Ho Ho Ho Chi Chi. You have ruined this country, staying in the past does not cure pain. Looking back is good, but not worshiping the past.


Everyone judges according to their intellect. For example, a child calls a photo of his father a photo, a photo of a cow, and thinks that these are the same.. Now people like you or Wahhabis don't know the difference between the tomb of the founder of a country and the greatest honor of that country with a piece of stone, it comes back to the same level of intelligence..
That still after all these orders that Hazrat Ali (ع) He did good to Imam in reading the history and they said that the past is the light of the future, but you did not understand right and wrong, it is no one's problem.


Iran has absolutely no capacity for democracy, it is not possible to blow the trumpet of racism and Aryanism on the one hand, deny the historical roots of at least 50% of other peoples who are as ancient and noble as us, and ignore their rights, and any He called separatism to try for equality and claim their lost rights, and on the other hand, we take the gesture of democracy, while we are constantly pruning democracy and localizing it according to the territorial characteristics of Iran.. We have turned it into ashes with the insolent and shameful oppression that we have inflicted on other nations in the name of Iranian nationalism.. No nation takes seriously our slogans about democracy, equality and federalism based on preserving the territorial integrity of Iran. Because we have proven that we have no faith in them and it is nothing more than a trick. The best situation for us is to choose and travel our own path separately.


Well, you showed yourself and went under the water so that you could speak differently. But with these words, neither you nor the treacherous experimentalists and federalists will reach a conclusion. Not even one meter will be separated from Iran. The fact that people stand against experimentalism like you does not mean that in “Iran has absolutely no capacity for democracy”. Get the federalist thought out of your little head so that you don't think about choosing a separate path.

Finally, I must say, don't play with words.



First, I have no faith in democracy. Rather, I consider God first and reason second as the criteria for determining the happiness of a person or a nation.
Second, what does equality mean? Are servant and traitor the same? Are Satan and Angel equal? Friend and enemy are not different? The government of Iran has given a lot to the traitors. Those who cooperated with the enemies of the country in the worst conditions. Those who conspire to destroy the country, their least right is to deprive them of citizenship, not discrimination. Justice dictated that many people did not live in Iran.

Third, this sentence "denied the historical roots of at least 50% of other peoples, who are as ancient and original as us, and ignored their rights, and called any attempt to equalize and claim their lost rights separatism" from where did you get!
Which 50%? What is the standard of being ancient and original? Which rights are ignored? Do you not understand the meaning of separatism or do you not want to understand?
If you mean by rights and rights, it means that everyone should build a wall for himself in the country. This is not called justice, it is called rudeness.
تجزیه طلبی رو در هر جایی دیگه میشناسند. Both excuses and justifications. Many countries have these experiences. Iranian people are not dumb enough not to understand the meaning of the four traitors.
Just now, we saw the tact of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq and immediately their own referendum for independence. Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union and the American Civil War are all lessons for us.


Division is the way to happiness of this country. A land called Little Iran can achieve happiness in the future. With so much heterogeneity and inefficiency of every government and sovereignty, this story of suffering continues until the end of history, and the same is the political theory of Iranian nationalism.. Shame on that fool who wants to annex Tajikistan and Afghanistan to this inefficient body.


You can't even dream of Iran's experience. On the way to Iranshahr (Great Iran) I will try and this will come true one day.

Experiencers like you are burying the wish that Iran will become smaller.

And the cultural and historical homogeneity of the people of Iran is also a thorn in the eyes of you self-sacrificing separatists..

My great Iran is Arzoo

You forgot the dear friend of Ghaziz Kurdistan! We are descendants of Achaemenid kings, borders have no meaning for us


If you really believe in something like this, you should donate half of your blood to your neighbors to feel more happy. Now I am not talking about honor.
In addition, you should put the dirt on your stupid head with this way of thinking that because, for example, the father of your family can't manage the family, you have to remove the children from the family in order to be happy.. In addition to stupidity, the name of this work is diath.


Turkey, Turkey, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Iran will be the same? If you say something to Turkey or Saudi Arabia, it will suit them! These two countries are represented in Iran!

Democracy without capitalism

I think that the main solution is not partition, but decentralization from the center and federalism is the solution to save the country

حسین اسدی

Federalism does not suit Iran's character and every country has its own character and structure, because for many years we got used to centralization, and if we go back, Iran will start conflict and separatism contrary to the idea..

Mohammad Amirsifi

Don't you like division? Divide your house in half with your neighbor's to make you happy, and a smaller house means happiness for you.

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