Iran in the contemporary era

  • Mahdi Akhavan Sales (O ancient old man, burn)

      Mehdi Akhwan the third was born in Mashhad in 1307. He graduated from Mashhad Conservatory. From him, the collections of Organon, Winter, the end of the Shahnameh, from this Avesta, hunting, autumn in prison, the best hope, romance and blue, and Tora O Kohnbom and Berdost Daram have been published.. Third brotherhood to…

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  • Sinbad's Iranian movement against the Abbasids

    واژه‌ی «سندباد» که به گونه‌ی «سنباد» هم نوشته می‌شود. In Pahlavi, it means the power of thought. "Sandbad" also means the wind that blows from the Indus River. The word Magus is used by Tazians to refer to people who followed Iranian religions before Islam. گمان می‌رود «سندباد» از

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  • What you need to know about the Crusades !

    second part (Click here to see the first part) پاپ اوربان دوم دلیل مستقیم شروع جنگ صلیبی اول درخواست کمک امپراتور روم شرقی آلکسیوس یکم از پاپ اوربان دوم برای مقابله با پیشروی‌های مسلمانان در خاک امپراتوری روم شرقی بود. در سال ۱۰۷۱ روم شرقی در نبرد ملازگرد از مسلمانان

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  • The Crusades

    Part I(Click here to see the second part) جنگ‌های صلیبی به سلسله‌ای از جنگ‌های مذهبی گفته می‌شود که به دعوت پاپ توسط شاهان و نجبای اروپایی داوطلب برای بازپس‌گیری سرزمین‌های مقدس از دست مسلمانان برافروخته‌شد. Crusaders from all over Western Europe participated in separate wars between 1095 and 1291.. جنگ‌های

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  • Iranian words

    Iranian words, Iranian words, words with French roots that have become common in the Persian language and have become loanwords, are found in abundance.. The reason may go back to the Qajar era, when the main relations between Iran and the West were with the French. برخی از این کلمات و معادل فرانسوی آن در

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  • Biography of Mirza Kochuk Khan Jangli (Separatist or patriot?)

      The biography of Mirza Yunus, known as Mirza Kochuk, the son of Mirza Bozor, from Rasht, was published in 1259 AD.. He spent the first years of his life in the Haji Hassan school located in Saleh Abad, Rasht, and the community school of that city, learning the basics of religious sciences.. At…

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  • Azeri or Turkish (The people of Azerbaijan or the people of Azerbaijan)

    The name of Azerbaijan has been changed to "Atropatkan" (Atropate location) Is. The origin of this name goes back to the Persian Achaemenid general, "Atropat" Atropat and Atropatgan. This area was also called "Alban" and "Aran" in the 17th and 18th centuries, both of which are probably pronunciations of the same name.. "Azar" has changed “later” و «بایجان»

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  • Speaking Persian, a part of the ancient Iranian treasure of preserving the Persian language

      Preserving the Persian language, which is spoken by 144 million people in the world today, is not a new idea and goes back centuries. The best example of the effort to remove foreign words from the Persian language is Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, which is perhaps the greatest effort in this field. Ferdowsi's Shahnameh Poems with sixty thousand lines…

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  • Five foreign English Russian and French words

    Zeperti is the Persian equivalent, the situation is messed up. The Russian word Zeperti means prisoner and its use is a relic of the time of the Russian Cossacks in Iran. At that time, whenever a soldier was imprisoned, others said that he became a Zeperti, and this word gradually changed its meaning to…

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