Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence
The Great Cyrus (Cyrus)

Charter of Cyrus the Great in The Hague, The Netherlands (IRIB News Agency)

The Charter of Cyrus the Great is recognized in the world as the first declaration of human rights . An example of this charter has been installed in the Hague Tribunal of the Netherlands as a symbol of freedom of expression .


Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence

Shamshad Amiri Khorasani

Knowing the history and culture of Iran is like entering a world where nothing awaits us except love and honor and sometimes sadness, maybe our history is stored in the memory of our genes so that we can use it to expand self-awareness and self-awareness. .

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Peace be upon you, if possible, cover the results of genographic research so that the Panthers and Pan-Iranians can get their answers. According to research on Iranian DNA, the composition of our race is as follows : 42% of Southwest Asian race (Aryan) – 42% of the Mediterranean race (Caucasian)- 8% of Northern Europe (نوردیک) And only 5% of North Asians or Mongols! Now it's very strange how some people like to be more Turkish! This is while most of the East Asian countries and Turks with more than 50% of their race are Mongols – What is more interesting is that it is not the case that one person is 100% pure, but all human beings are created from a combination of races, and Maham is definitely over 90% Indian. – We are Europeans, I said this so that some people respect their own history and culture instead of attaching themselves to rootless countries. Although I know it is unlikely.!

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