Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence
The Great Cyrus (Cyrus)

The words of the Prophet of Islam (ص) About a person named "Zulqarnain"

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. They ask you about Dhul-Qarnayn.…

In Surah Al-Kahf, verse 83 It is said that the Prophet of Islam (ص) He was asked about a person named "Zulqarnain".”and from you (O Prophet) They ask a question about Zulqarnain, answer that I will soon read a story about him to you.”And this verse was a prelude to God giving the answer like this…


In this picture, the bifurcation on the head of the statue attributed to Cyrus is clearly visible.

As you can see in the picture, the picture attributed to Cyrus the Great has two horns on top of the picture's head, the meaning of Dhul-Qarin means the owner of two horns.

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. They ask you about Dhul-Qarnayn..

In Surah Al-Kahf, verse 83 It is said that the Prophet of Islam (ص) He was asked about a person named "Zulqarnain".:

“and from you (O Prophet) They ask a question about Zulqarnain, answer that I will soon read a story about him to you.”And this verse was a prelude to God giving the answer like this: ” We gave him wealth and power in the earth and gave him a string of everything.

He also pursued a career. Until he reached the west in his journey, he found the sun setting in the surrounding sea as if it was hiding in a dark spring. And there he found a people who, because they were unbelievers, we ordered Dhul-Qarnain to tell about this people or punishment. (If they do not believe) Or grace and mercy (If they believe) substitute. Zulqarnain (To) That people said: "We will punish everyone among you who has done wrong and then that (after death) If he returns to God, God will punish him with a severe punishment. And whoever believes in God and does good deeds, he will get the best reward, and we will make it easy for him."

And again he found a means and a field (He canceled his trip). When he reached the east of the earth, he saw that the sun was shining on a people that we did not put a barrier between them and the sun. It was also, and of course we were fully aware of his condition. Again, he found a means and a field (and continued the journey to the north). Until he reached between two dams (two mountains); There he found a people who did not understand a word (And they were wild and unintelligible). they said: "O Dhul-Qarnain, a people named Gog and Magog in this land and behind this mountain of corruption (and bloodshed and brutality) They do a lot; If we bear the cost of it, will you build a barrier between us and them?"

Zulqarnain said: "The power and wealth that God has given me (of spending you) It's better; You (Just) Help me with the strength of your arm (I will bear the cost myself) To build a strong barrier for you (to prevent them from being stolen). Bring me pieces of iron." (Then he ordered to dig the ground when it reached the water and build a wall of stone and iron from the depth of the ground to the level of two mountains.). He said when he made the two mountains equal: "Let's burn it in the fire," he said until he melted the iron like a fire: "Bring me molten copper to pour on it".

Since then, those people were never able to reach the top of that dam, nor were they ever able to break through that dam..

Zulqarnain said that this is a favor and mercy from my God and when the promise of my God comes .

(which is the day of resurrection or the day of the appearance of the savior of mankind) He destroyed that dam and made it level with the ground, and of course the promise of my God is fulfilled and true.” First of all, many sources wrote many interpretations about this. . Before saying anything, it is necessary to mention that the remains of this dam still remain in the soil of Georgia and the meaning of the name of the place where this dam is located is equal to “Kourosh” Is.

In addition, the meaning of the word “Zulqarnain” in Persian “A person with two horns” but considering that in these verses…Zulqarnain is a person who was able to bring the world under his rule. So Zulqarnain can be one of these people:١- Cyrus the Great; 2- Darius the Great; 3- Alexander the Great. Of course, some people say that one of the kings of Yemen should also be among the list of possible references to Dhul-Qarnain, because his name is first “with” has it! But nowhere in history is there any mention of the expansion of Arab kings before Islam!Let's go back to the list…!Considering that Darius the Great became the king when he inherited many regions of the world from the kings before him and only conquered Egypt and a few countries by himself, so we remove him from the list.. So only Cyrus and Alexander remained.

In the verses, we have that Dhul-Qarnain treated people well and was charitable. According to our own historical sources, we know that Alexander was not so virtuous! From the burning of Persepolis to the extensive destruction, murder and looting all over the world. But about Cyrus the Great; It is better to take a look at the cylinder written by him, known as the inscription or Charter of Human Rights of Cyrus, in which he describes the bloodless conquest of the Babylonian lands. (Babylon), Monday (Sumer) and Akkad (Akkad) In addition, the dam located in Georgia and many others indicate that these verses refer to Cyrus the Great.. So it's better not to bother yourself and see the following pictures that the statue was found in Parse a few years ago and is related to Cyrus.. If you look carefully at these pictures, you can see something like two horns on the head of Cyrus the Great.

If you remember, I have already said that Cyrus the Great was the first king who was able to unite the two kingdoms of the Persians and the Medes with lasting peace.. Cyrus himself was aware of this issue, and for his honor, he ordered that there should be two horns on both sides of the crown that they make for him as a sign of the honor of uniting these two lands.. Therefore, Dhul-Qarnain mentioned in the Quran is Cyrus the Great. But what other honors did we learn about Cyrus the Great?!Kourosh…The first person who built a big dam, the first person who made alloys, and other firsts. Read the verses again!

Commentary on the Qur'anic verses about Dhul-Qarnain

Dhul-Qarnain is mentioned in verses 83 to 98 of Surah Kahf. It follows from these verses that:

1- This nickname is recognized by a group and they ask the Prophet. As we know, the Jews were in Medina and it is written in the Torah about Cyrus, and probably the Jews from the Holy Prophet. (ص) They had asked about the Eagle of the East or Cyrus.

2- God has entrusted a country to him with his sufficiency and provided him with the means of ruling.

3- His main works are three great wars, first in the west as far as he reached the Maghrib and he saw the place where the sun sets. (At first, Cyrus captured the lands of Media, Lydia and Babylon)Second, in the eastern war, it has reached the point where it has seen nothing but a dry and uninhabited desert, and its inhabitants were also primitive. (It is consistent with Cyrus's campaign to Makran, Sistan, Hudud and around Balkh and Bakterba, and there is a strong suspicion that Cyrus also conquered the Indus during this trip, and the Iranians called Indus India, and for this reason, in the inscription of Darius The name of India is also mentioned among the names of twenty-eight conquered countries). The third work, which is his masterpiece, was the construction of a dam on a gorge and a valley that is difficult to pass through, through which some people have regularly attacked the residents of this area and robbed them.. The residents of this area called the mentioned people Gog and Magog, which were wild and uneducated people..

It appears from the Quranic verses that Gog and Magog were two savage and bloodthirsty tribes, warriors and robbers, and they lived in the farthest parts of North Asia.. Based on the change of words and the change of language, it can be assumed that Gog and Magog were the same Mongols, because these two words are Manguk or Manchuk in Chinese, and it turns out that the two mentioned words were quoted in Hebrew and Yagog And it is called Magog, and in the Greek translations of these two words, it becomes Gok and Magok, and the complete similarity between Magok and Mangok determines that the said word is the Chinese Mangok. As well as Mongol and Mongol are also derived from it and similar to these developments in words, there are so many that cannot be counted.. So, Gog and Magog are Mongols, and Mongols are a nation that lives in the northeast of Asia, and in ancient times they were a great nation that attacked China for a while, and for a while they invaded the land of Armenia and northern Iran through the Caucasus River. And they attacked other areas, but after the dam was built, they attacked towards Northern Europe. Europeans called them Sith.


We know that Cyrus is the first person who built a dam and used iron massively, and this dam is located in the Darial Strait in present-day Georgia.. In Armenian ancient works, this wall is called "Bhag Korai" which means "Cyrus Gorge"..

The said dam was not only made of stone and brick, but iron and steel were also used in it, and it was so huge and solid that it completely prevented the raiders from raiding..

It is stated in the Qur'an that Dhul-Qarnain then gave such an order: Bring me large pieces of iron. When the pieces of iron were ready, he ordered them to be stacked on top of each other to completely cover the gap between the two mountains.. The shell here means the side of the mountain, and it is clear from this interpretation that there was a gap between the two sides of the mountain through which Gog and Magog entered, Dhul-Qarnain decided to fill it.. Hence he told them incendiary materials(Firewood and the like) Bring it and place it on both sides of this dam, and use the means you have at your disposal to set it on fire so that it reddens and melts the iron pieces.. In fact, he wanted to connect the pieces of iron to each other in this way and make a solid dam, and with this strange design, he did the same thing as they do today by welding, that is, he gave a certain amount of heat to the irons. They softened a little and joined together. Finally, he issued the last order: Bring me molten copper so that I can pour it on this dam and in this way cover the entire iron dam with a layer of copper and protect it from air penetration and rotting..

4- The kingdom was just and kind to the subjects and prevented bloodshed and did not harass or kill the defeated people. When he conquered the people of Maghreb, the vanquished thought that they would be tortured and rampaged like other conquerors. But the king did not do that and said that the good people and nobles of the people will be protected from harm and he will try.

to conquer their hearts with noise and terror. We know that after conquering Medes, Leidi, Babylon and other places, Cyrus not only had nothing to do with different peoples, but even respected their religion and rituals, and even though he was a monotheist and a Zoroastrian, he respected the gods of other places, including Marduk, the god of Babylon. cherished.

5- Zulqarnain did not need worldly wealth and was not greedy, and even when the oppressed wanted to collect money for the construction of a dam, he refused to take it and said that God has made me unnecessary from your wealth and reserves, only with strength Take me with your arm so that we can build an iron barrier against the enemy. Cyrus showed generosity everywhere. For example, he ordered the construction of the Jerusalem temple for the Jews from the treasury of Iran and rebuilt the temples that Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed..


Another reason that can be cited is the opinion of the Jewish people. The Jewish religious books state that Cyrus is the messenger of God and His Messiah, who has chosen him for justice and to provide His pleasure.. We all know that Jews have rarely praised a non-Jew in their history, so if Cyrus was not a monotheist and a judge, they would never have praised him..

Some intentionally or mistakenly consider Iskandar Gojstak as Zulqarnain, but this meaning does not agree with the language of the Qur'an.. Because first of all, the Qur'an says that Dhul-Qarnain believed in God and the Day of Judgment, and his religion was the religion of monotheism; But we know that Alexander was a polytheist, as evidenced by his sacrifice to his planet Jupiter, and the Greeks and Macedonians had many gods, which is recorded in history.

Second, the Qur'an considers Dhul-Qarnain as a righteous man from among the servants of God and possessor of justice and justice, which history says against Alexander.. Iskandar was brutal and revelry ( As it is known in the story of the burning of Persepolis .( And thirdly, it is not mentioned in any of the records that Alexander the Great built the dam of Gog and Magog.. Fourth, the route of Alexander's campaign was from west to east, while according to the Qur'an, the beginning of Dhul-Qarnain's campaign was towards the west.. Also, there is no mention of Alexander the Great in the Old Testament. A group of researchers believe that the reason why the commentators called the first Alexander Zulqarnain is due to their ignorance of the ancient history of Iran and the existence of a Parthian character named Alexander before Alexander the Great, whose good manners are attributed to Jahangir the Macedonian..

This issue can be the subject of detailed research. In the end, the words that can be said are two branches of our religion, Tuli and Tabari, which means loving God's friends and hating God's enemies.. Because Cyrus the Great was a friend of God and a person who spread divine decrees on earth, he should be respected by all of us and we honor his status.. Cyrus the Great is a symbol of our nationality and identity, as well as a symbol of a good-thinking person in terms of heavenly books such as the Torah and the Koran, and a symbol of a monotheist and righteous human being throughout the world.. May his love be increased and may his Iran live forever.

Dhul-Qarnain 2

The opinion and viewpoint of historians of Islamic centuries- I agree on Zul-Qarnain being Koresh the Great

Abul Faraj bin Ibri in Khazrat Al-Daw: Cyrus, Abu Rihan also calls him Cyrus in the works of al-Baqiyyah according to the western documents. Mas'udi in Moruj al-Dhahab calls him Cyrus, Abu Jafar Muhammad bin Jarir Tabari in Tarikh al-Rusl and al-Muluk calls him Kirosh and gives him the title of the lieutenant of Babylon. The prophets call him Cyrus and further state that: They know Ardeshir as what the Jews say is Avalanche, and in their news, it is interpreted as Cyrus, and we know that the letters "Vav" are also in some dialects of the Iranian regions. (Like southern accents) Sometimes it is changed to ya, as blood is said to be treacherous and far is called late, and for this reason, Cyrus is also mentioned in ancient writings. (Rush, rush) It is written that its correct species is…
After the conquest of Babylon by them(Jerusalem) The house of God, which was founded by Abraham and his son, and then built by Solomon, the son of David, was destroyed by Bakht al-Nasr.
It had started under the order of Cyrus, and it was finished during the time of Darius.
Ezra chapter 6 verses 14 and 15
۱۴- And the Jewish elders got busy building and according to the prophecy of Prophet Haji and Zechariah, they carried out the work with this enemy, according to the decree of the God of Israel and the decree of Cyrus, Darius and Artaxerxes, the kings of Persia, they built it and completed it..
۱۵- And this house was finished on the third day of March in the sixth year of King Darius.
Resources for people who do not have access to the above resources
Tafsir al-Mizan, Allameh Tabatabai, Tafsir of Surah Kahf, verses 83 to 97, volume 13
Sample interpretation, Makarem Shirazi and a group of writers, Procedure (Page) 338, 532, 551 and 552, Volume 12
The Great Cyrus(Zulqarnain)Abul Kalam Azad, translated by Mohammad Ibrahim Bastani Parisi


Abul Kalam Azad, a famous Indian scientist and Minister of Culture of Nehru's government, called this painting Zul-Qarnain and based on it, he considered Cyrus to be the same Zul-Qarnain mentioned in the Qur'an..

In the Torah in "Daniel's Journey" (8-1) From poverty and deliverance and prophesy in the salvation of the Jews by the ram (Similar to the helmet of Cyrus), it is mentioned to Dhul-Qarnain. This topic is also mentioned in "Jeremiah's Journey" and "Jeremiah's Journey".. In Daniel's dream, he appears as a ram with two horns. The character of Cyrus has an important place and dignity in Jewish beliefs.

Century (Both in Arabic and Hebrew) It gives the meaning of horn and hair, which actually Cyrus had a hat on his head like a cedar, as we can see in the picture.. The mentioned image helps us a lot about the title of Cyrus, which is indeed Dhul-Qarnain. The two wings of the painting also represent the same image as in Isaiah's journey (Eastern eagle) was expressed. Due to the fact that the name of Cyrus is missing in the inscription and it is mentioned above it, there is a tendency that it is the same as "Zulqarnain" which means the holder of two horns in the Quran.. In the book of Ezra (3-1 And 1) It is said that all the captives who were captured by Nebuchadnezzar returned to their land in Jerusalem and rebuilt their temple, and elsewhere Cyrus is likened to the eagle of the east.: “I summoned the eagle of the east. I have called this man who comes from a distant land and provides me with pleasure." (11:46). In summary, it appears from the text of the Jewish epistles that the image of Cyrus is the same as Dhul-Qarnain.


Thanks to Mr. Mohsen Ghasemi Shad

Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence

Shamshad Amiri Khorasani

Knowing the history and culture of Iran is like entering a world where nothing awaits us except love and honor and sometimes sadness, maybe our history is stored in the memory of our genes so that we can use it to expand self-awareness and self-awareness. .

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Ebadi Haider

Hello, search for Zulqarnain Khudanamek on YouTube so that all ambiguities are removed. Zulqarnain is not Cyrus or at least one of Zulqarnain can be. Watch two videos.


I don't feel that Cyrus and Iskandar were Zul-Qarnain. If they were, then why did they both attack or invade the lands of unknown peoples? Thousands of innocent soldiers and kings died.


So, like our prophet, he ordered to attack the borders of Eastern Rome (Byzantium) and the Sassanids (Iran) He had given it to make those people monotheists (And because of this, we, the people of Iran, Turkey, and Egypt … Today we are Muslims) Should we say that the Prophet violated humanity and violated the territory of neighboring countries??!!
[[I know that some of you might say that the attack on neighboring countries such as Eastern Rome and Iran during the caliphate of the first and second caliphs. (Abu Bakr and Omar) but if you refer to reliable sources, you will realize that the main command of the attack was given by the Prophet of Islam (ص) issued, and in the last years of his life, the southern regions of Iran, including the lands that are now called Oman, the Emirates, and Bahrain, as well as the coastal strip of Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf, were attacked and captured, as well as parts of the land of Rome. It had been captured from Syria and Damascus. All that I said was captured during the time of the Prophet, so I ask my question again, should we consider the Prophet as an aggressor because he attacked the neighboring countries? Of course not, the main intention of people like Cyrus and the Prophet was not to conquer the country and kill the innocent people of the neighboring countries, but their only goal was to make the people of the world worship God and spread monotheism, and in order to achieve this goal, they showed lenience, as Cyrus did after conquering the city of Babylon in He showed gentleness towards their idolatry and waited until the time passed to worship those people alone. The Prophet also ordered that the Magi (Zoroastrians) who had monotheistic religion, Jizya should be taken and they should be allowed to remain in their religion.]]

Ebadi Haider

Brother, the war with Rome was almost at the same time as the war between Rome and the Sassanids, which made the Sassanians support the Prophet a lot.. But the issue of Saudi Arabia belonged to Iran until the end. One of the biggest ambiguities is that some people say that either the Prophet was one of the Sassanid rulers or that the government of Medina and Mecca was separate from the Muslims..


Dear friends, they don't give charity in the battle of Halwa. Like Cyrus, the Prophets of Islam were peaceful, but they killed in attack and war.


Of course, the Prophet first invited the kings to Islam with a letter, some of them accepted and some of them prepared for war


Well, what does it have to do with Cyrus?


During the conquests of Cyrus, no king was killed, but he was not destroyed. After the conquest of Babylon, Cyrus did not kill the king of Babylon and instead left him in his position and told him that everyone is free to worship whatever religion they want and you only You must pay your tribute on time and he released all the Babylonian prisoners, so the king of Babylon remained in his position and after that he only paid tribute to Cyrus' government.


It is mentioned in the Quran that he saves the Jews from slavery in Babylon and sends them to Jerusalem


I say why, because at that time they had to open up the country, the bigger the country, the more power.
After all, when did Cyrus kill innocent people and this is his second time, if he did this and his rule did not last for 2 years, he would have been overthrown.


I just want to know who put it in your head that Cyrus was a rapist

Ebadi Haider

Dear friend, please do not rely on colonialist pacifist nonsense about the ancient history of the Middle East. Alexander was a barbarian and that's it. But Cyrus is praised even in his conquests. In the second point, Cyrus staged a coup in the war with Medes. In the war with Babylon, it was due to political and social differences, which was also Babylon's fault, it reached its peak and war broke out. The Massagetes, who revolted themselves, and the Lydians, who themselves fought first. The end of Cyrus' words, perhaps we can say that he was a peace-loving man on earth. War in its place, peace in its place. Whoever gave superiority over these two must know his donkey. Weak countries make peace to stay healthy, strong countries make war to become stronger.


Mehrzad ******** Why do you think that Cyrus was an aggressor, the Greeks loved him
Christians called Cyrus God
Different consistency of Cyrus was called savior
Then you are calling me an aggressor
I think it's your job to just sit by the talks of foreigners who want to destroy Iran's history
What articles did England write about the history of Iran because it was British


In my opinion, anyone who gives an opinion about Koresh that causes disunity between Muslim and non-Muslim people is our enemy. Koresh is a respectable person for everyone and I love him as an Iranian, but it is not a reason to reject other people like Imam Masoom. do. The series of good things are connected and approved, so if someone wants to make a difference between the good things, he is an enemy, whether that good thing is Iranian, Arab or European.
Don't we believe that Koresh had good words and deeds, so why do Koresh's claimants spread hypocrisy with their words?!
It still smells of racism and hostility


Ahsant Cyrus was a very good person

Mohamed Shrader

Cyrus was cruel because you don't count the graphs when attacking the Assyrians?
So Cyrus is not considered a prophet either.


First of all, Cyrus is not a tyrant, you are a tyrant. When a child reads this text, you put Cyrus the Great in the mind of a tyrant child.
Second, who said that Cyrus the great is a prophet? Cyrus was a great and good king


It was an interesting article


I say, why is it newly modded? Anyone who wants to be famous comes to his blog and destroys Cyrus

I myself live in Abadan, but I am Ler Bahamei.

I'm half Aryan, half Ler, so the history of Cyrus belongs to me and Elamian, but why do you insult each other?

Dear Arabs, your era of prosperity was Islam, the era of prosperity of us Persians was also Cyrus

Why are you insulting?

I mean the Arabs of the island.

We, the Lors, lived before the Elamite Arabs for thousands of years. According to the documents, the sign of the Elamite Arabs is that they lived very well next to the Lors, and then the Persians, and they were very kind, but you bandit Arabs came from the island and are hungry for power. You are hungry beggars, we Iranians and Arabs of Mesopotamia knew something, we kept you in those corners and kept your fate away from the world..

Ali Reza

I have a reason for the prophethood of Cyrus, the Zoroastrian religion is a monotheistic religion, and our dear religion Islam is also a monotheistic religion, and it is possible that Zoroaster was a prophet of God, and the religion at that time was right before Islam and Christianity.. Because God has placed different religions on earth. Fire is also one of the signs of God and according to Zoroaster: Fire is the purifier of evils and Zoroaster made fire as a symbol of his religion. Like the Jewish religion, which is a star 7 He put the candlestick and put the moon as our religion, and the name of our God at that time may have been Izd, like Gad in Christianity and Allah in Islam.. We had 125,000 prophets, and Cyrus, who was a righteous man, may be one of them, and Alexander the Great, who was a bloodthirsty, cannot be compared to Dhul-Qarnin in any way.. And I read in some articles that Zoroaster was one of the close disciples of prophet Jeremiah. Our beloved Prophet loved the people of Iran very much, and one of his best helpers was Salman Farsi, and it is a tradition that
the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) when Recitation The Qur'an to this verse arrived that God Says: And if you turn away (God) He will replace you with people other than you who will not be like you. They asked him: Who are those whom God will put in our place if we turn away? Messenger of God while wearing Salman Farsi He said: "This man and nation They are him." The science of us Muslim Persians is unique in the world and our culture is the best culture in the world because we are unique in kindness and tenderness, compassion and hospitality..
My compassionate and kind compatriots. I swear to God Almighty that you will not separate from the religion of Islam and respect each other and love each other.. Maybe that other Cyrus is the promised world Imam of our age. If our times are bad, please don't blame Islam and don't make fun of Islam. Be Muslim people who are both the honor of our great prophet and the honor of Cyrus the Great .
God bless the prophet of the worlds and his family and his greetings to the great man of God Cyrus the Great (Dhul-Qarnain is a prophet (ع))
Thank you very much for the article you sent.
Please share other hadiths from our Prophet or Imams about Iranians

Now continuous

I quite agree
I myself am a Christian
But your words were worth reading


Well, thank you for the naps you made and warmed our heads ..
Mr. thinker and philosopher, is it possible to fit a cobbler in a nail hole? No, you can't. …First of all, Dhul-Qarnain was a monotheist and was revealed to him and he always spoke of the one God and the company of God..while Cyrus is not at all clear what he worshiped. You, the same Metshur Azeldi that you were talking about as a professor, praised the local gods and the Babylonian gods Marduk many times. Now this is nothing. Secondly, the dam that was built in the Caucasus was made of stone and mud, not iron and copper. Secondly, the dam that Cyrus built was for water and its height was between two hills, not a defensive dam. Thirdly, there was no war. It can't happen without bloodshed. If I were in Cyrus' place, I would have conquered Lydia and Babylon. Yes, I took it without bloodshed.. Dhul-Qarnain has an unknown identity and will remain unknown until the Day of Judgment. ?


My dear, Cyrus was the greatest ruler of the world, he is, and will be, he was just, wise and kind, not like Yesri, a bigot, a fool, he built a dam, he defended and had the largest country in the world, he took many of the places he took without bloodshed, because the people themselves accepted and accepted them as freedom. He respected his religion and respected every person who was right and did not deviate from the right, honorable and humane path, even though a bunch of idiots who do not know anything about their history are voicing Mufti's opinions which they deserve. Please do not spoil the golden history of Iran during that time Thankful


You are an anti-Iranian backward who follows ISIS philosophy, it is difficult and impossible to understand the great men of history like Cyrus
Because you are melted in treason and treason
Cyrus respected all religions. This is mentioned in Xenophon's Cyrus, who was the Greek commander and Cyrus's enemy.
No, now it is good that anyone who disagrees with Aghayoun's opinion is condemned to death
You are some unfortunate people without identity, it is better to lose your grave and go to the Arabian desert


Whether he is Zulqarnain or not, we love his blindness, and whoever does not want the greatness of Iran and seeks division should be blind. . Apart from these words, Koresh's name has caused the national unity of the people, something that religion could not do, and we see that many of ******* They are Shiite separatists and they have a strange hatred for the name Kuresh, which is one of the causes of nationalism. The only thing that will make this country progress is that people come to work who have nothing but Iran and only Iran in mind.

Abu al-Qazl

Cyrus and Darius may be extraterrestrial


Cyrus is the symbol of our civilization, our root is the symbol of Iranian culture, his rule is much better, in all the history books, he was mentioned as a reformed person, brothers, doubt history, history is narrated by different people, so to understand Cyrus the Great, you should read a lot.


Oh father, we Iranians are clinging to our blindness and the past, this past does not do anything for us, a good person who does not forget his origin, but these things are not necessary in today's life. Do these issues

Mehran Trakhtorchi

The Assyrian figure of a man with two wings that you attributed to Cyrus to claim that Cyrus was Dhul-Qarnain. There are many such images in Mesopotamia and Iran, and all of them are much older than the Achaemenid period.. Of course, Iranian antiquarians may want to identify all of them as Dhul-Qarnain and Dhul-Qarnain as Cyrus, but without a doubt, truth and permissible cannot be confused with baseless claims.. Thus, in Dhul-Qarnain reading Cyrus, a terrible forgery and a baseless lie has happened.
If Cyrus was a very important person, why is he mentioned in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh? ( whose nationalism and heroism have been proven to everyone ) is not?
Dr. Hossein Ravazadeh, a university lecturer, says that the life of Cyrus' fake charter is not even two hundred years old (–200-.html ) . Mr. John R. Bolton, an American diplomat, believes that in order to divide Iran, the Persian people should be made to appear superior by exaggerating the likes of Cyrus, so that other nations will seek to divide our Iran with Persianization. I have a few questions.
١- Why is the International Day of Cyrus not registered in any of the calendars of the United Nations and the people of the world do not know the International Day of Cyrus???
2- If Cyrus was a monotheist, why did Cyrus repeatedly praise "Marduk" the great idol of Babylon and say that he conquered Babylon with its help?
۳- Why is there no name of Cyrus in the history and literature of Iran??? Saadi Hafez and other poets did not mention the name of Cyrus the Great??? Wasn't he an admirable and great personality?!
* Why even Ferdowsi, whose book is the story of kings,
Hasn't he taken a name from Cyrus???
* Ferdowsi, who mentioned the kings and governments before Achaemenid and after them, does he not know who Cyrus is???
* If Cyrus was a famous and great personality among Iranians, find a person in all of Iran whose name is Cyrus' father or one of his ancestors.!
* Before Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the name of Cyrus was not known and the personality of Cyrus was so unknown to Iranians that they did not choose this name for their sons.!
* Unlike other names of Persian kings, search among all your friends and relatives and find a person whose name is Cyrus as one of his ancestors?
۴- ﺁﺛﺎﺭ ﺍﻣﭙﺮﺍﻃﻮﺭﯼ ﺭﻭﻡ ﺩﺭ ﺳﺮﺍﺳﺮ ﺍﺭﻭﭘﺎ، ﺩﺭ ﺗﻤﺎﻣﯽ ﺟﺰﺍﯾﺮ ﻣﺪﯾﺘﺮﺍﻧﻪ، ﺩﺭ ﺷﻤﺎﻝ ﺁﻓﺮﯾﻘﺎ، ﺩﺭ ﻣﺼﺮ ﻭ ﺧﺎﻭﺭ ﻣﯿﺎﻧﻪ ﻭ ﺗﺮﮐﯿﻪ ﻭﺟﻮﺩ ﺩﺍﺭﻩ ﻭ ﺛﺎﺑﺖ ﻣﯿﮑﻨﻪ ﮐﻪ ﺭﻭﻡ ﺯﻣﺎﻧﯽ ﺍﻣﭙﺮﺍﻃﻮﺭ ﺑﺮﺗﺮ ﺟﻬﺎﻥ ﺑﻮﺩﻩ،ﺍﻣﺎ ﺁﺛﺎﺭ ﺩﻭﺭﺍﻥ ﮐﻮﺭﻭﺵ ﮐﺒﯿﺮ، ﮐﻪ ﻃﺮﻓﺪﺍﺭﺍﻧﺶ ﻣﺪﻋﯽ ﻫﺴﺘﻨﺪ ﺑﯿﺸﺘﺮ ﺁﺳﯿﺎ ﻭ ﺁﻓﺮﯾﻘﺎﺯﯾﺮ It was his order, there is no other place in the land except for our throne.!!!
Even a ruin, a column, something to prove that this building belongs to the period of Cyrus.!How is it possible for a person with such a big empire, but there is no trace of his civilization in his colonies???
۵- The next point is that all the Persian works that are on the market now are new and their source is the history of Herodotus and the transmission of Guzenphon, which are foreign, and after the discovery of Cyrus' decree, the name of the shrine of Hazrat Suleiman's mother was changed.(ﻉ) In the Mausoleum of Cyrus, the discovery and translation of a book called the History of Herodotus happened almost at the same time and it was by English people.!!!
How is it that the mausoleum, which was known as the mother of Hazrat Suleiman for centuries, is announced as the mausoleum of Cyrus by an English explorer? It is also in the Pahlavi period. !!!! Where was this intelligent archaeologist before???
Cyrus was a war criminal ( )
Pasargad is not the result of the Achaemenid period ( – Or friends should read the statements and documents of Mr. Nasser Pourpirar about Persepolis ) And it is a Zionist distortion .

Tarab Abu Tarabi

According to a long hadith of Hazrat Ali, peace be upon him, Dhul-Qarnain lived in three periods of time, in the first and second time, people hit him on the left and right side, and he was unconscious for a while, then he regained consciousness, and in the third time, God gave him great strength, and the story His power was also mentioned in the Qur'an and in the end he passed away completely
Now match this article with your claim to get the answer

Mohammad Reza

Zulqarnain is a name for different people, Imam Ali and Imam Zaman are also Zulqarnain and even Cyrus

Who is Arash?

The kings "Kiani" and Pishdadi, combined with old Iranian legends, express the ancient history, probably in the northern part of the country, the local king was called "Kia" or "Kei", and even now, many northern cities of Mazandaran and Gilan even in the central regions The country has been named Kiashahr, Kiasar, Kiakla, and others, and the prefix "Kiye Khosrow" = "Ki Khosrow" used by Ferdowsi is added to the names of people.. He had access to resources that are not available today and we have facilities that he did not have.


If you read it right, you will understand that many of your words are doubtful


Why is it that whenever there is a historical discussion, you relate it to the Achaemenid period, you know, you have so many great people, so why are you not talking about them, like Shah Abbas Safavi or Imam Qoli Khan, or many others? I don't want to say that his blindness is good or bad. It's an honor for us, but why do some people talk racist? Wasn't World War II, when 75 million people were killed, a racist move? What the devil did, he said, "I am made of fire, so I am superior. What is the difference between the devil and a racist?" When you look for something historical on the internet, they don't compare it with religion, or with the imams, why didn't you pay attention to these things? It's me and you, it's not with history, he didn't say it, anyone who hasn't read the text of his blind cylinder should go to Wikipedia and read it, but I don't accept Wikipedia at all, or if his blindness is the same as Zalqarnain, then he is a prophet, right?
But all the prophets who invited people to monotheism, not everyone who wanted to live in any way
Let's be right-seeking and right-seeking
God bless you always


Cyrus Greek historians (Herdut and Xenophon) It is the same Afridon Ferdowsi and Dhul-Qarnain of the Quran.
Ashurabanipal is the historical Zohak of the Shahnameh and Nimrod of the Bible, whose throne was Jerusalem.

Four people won the kingdom on earth, two of them were believers and two were unbelievers: But two believers, Suleiman bin Dawud and Dhul-Qarnain (Jewish and Zoroastrian monotheists) but two people were unbelievers, Nimrod and Bakht Nasr (Satanist and Zionist) …» [۳]
According to Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) The first person after Noah(ع) He made the dinar and dirham coins, he was Nimrod bin Kanan (Satanist and Zionist). [۴]

The Charter of Cyrus is in pieces and is kept by the English. The missing part is exactly the part that explains how Cyrus, Gog and Magog (Evil forces) And he will bind the mockery, which is Israel and Zionism today, and rid the people of Babylon from them.. This part is exactly in the Qur'an, Cyrus or Afridon is none other than a prophet named Dhul-Qarnain, whose head is the symbol of his empire. (They have also turned this upside down and say that Dhul-Qarnain is the Qur'an of Iskandar). In the translation of the charter of Cyrus, it is clearly stated that the name of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal is the same as Nimrod or Dahhak.
Zulqarnain in Farsi means the owner of two horns and the symbol of the bull on the capitals of Persepolis and Afridon's mace that crushed the brain of Zahhak is the same symbol.. Also, the horn of the cow, which has become a symbol of Satanism. This symbol is also stolen, but it is originally based on the name of the cow that milks Afridon and the image of his mace that landed on Zahak's head.. Everything has turned upside down and the spirit of laughter has ruled the world. But they have turned everything upside down. In the Bible of the Old Testament, Cyrus was called the savior and founder of Jerusalem. While the truth is fully reflected in the Quran and Shahnameh. Cyrus or Afridon is the one who cleanses the world from these evils.
Of course, there is no need for extensive spiritual and historical studies, it is enough to take a close look at the faces of the politicians of the world to find out whether they have divine or evil spirits.! He just needs a little pure heart and Quranic verses!

And according to Ferdowsi

Chu laughed at Jahan Shahyar
Go to the forum for thousands of years
Open all the time
Export brain employment
The actions of the sages are hidden
The palate of the crazy people was scattered
Art became a valuable magic
The hidden truth will bite openly
It is on the bad side of the court
You did not speak to goodness except to secrets


According to Moshiri

some century

It is the time of the death of humanity

The chest of the world is empty of good things

It is stupid to talk about freedom and purity

Talking about Moses, Jesus and Muhammad is inappropriate

It is the age of Musa Chambeh


They reached the land with a grudge
They went to Jerusalem
who spoke on Pahlavi
Hemi kang called dzhudjash
Betazi is now the house of Pak Dan
According to Ivan Zahak Dan
Chu came from the plain near the city
Kazan came to the city looking for benefits
He wanted to look at Afridon
Someone saw a palace inside that city of the king
Burning like Jupiter on the moon
Everywhere is happy, calm and loving
who made Ivan superior to Kivan
You said that the star wants to win
He knew that the mine is the home of the dragon
which is a great and expensive place
He said to his friends that he is on the ground
Such a place in the abyss
I am afraid that the world is with him
Does someone have a secret?
قَالُوا یَا ذَا الْقَرْنَیْنِ إِنَّ یَأْجُوجَ وَمَأْجُوجَ مُفْسِدُونَ فِی الْأَرْضِ فَهَلْ نَجْعَلُ لَکَ خَرْجًا عَلَىٰ أَن تَجْعَلَ بَیْنَنَا وَبَیْنَهُمْ سَدًّا ﴿٩۴﴾ قَالَ مَا مَکَّنِّی فِیهِ رَبِّی خَیْرٌ فَأَعِینُونِی بِقُوَّهٍ أَجْعَلْ بَیْنَکُمْ وَبَیْنَهُمْ رَدْمًا

they said: O Dhul-Qarnain, Gog and Magog are corrupting the earth. Do you want us to impose a tribute on ourselves so that you can build a barrier between us and them?

They said, O Dhol Karnain, behold, Gog and Magog are doing corruption in the earth; so shall we assign to thee a tribute, against thy setting up a barrier between us and between them?’
said: What my Lord has given me the ability to do is better. Help me with your strength, so that I can build a barrier between you and them.

He said, ‘That wherein my Lord has established me is better; so aid me forcefully, and I will set up a rampart between you and between them.

Bring me a bit of iron, even if it is made evenly between the two shells. He said, “Blow it.”
Bring me pieces of iron. When it was piled up between those two mountains, he said: don't give. to melt that iron. and say: Bring molten copper to pour on it.
From The Cyrus Cylinder
with bitumen and baked brick I built anew, and completed its
work. […] great [doors of cedarwood] with copper cladding. I installed all their doors, threshold slabs and door fittings with copper parts. […] I saw within it an inscription of Ashurbanipal, a king who preceded me,

Ashurbanipal was proud of his scribal education. He asserts this in the statement: “I Assurbanipal within [the palace], took care of the wisdom of Nebo, the whole of the inscribed tablets, of all the clay tablets, the whole of their mysteries and difficulties, I solved.”

I am afraid that the world is with him
Does someone have a secret?

This is also from Isaiah 45 who stole Cyrus and presented two hands to Israel. While the Qur'an, the Shahnameh, and the Charter of Cyrus speak of repelling the spells and evil forces of Israel, the Bible of the Old Testament speaks of opening them and breaking copper and iron, and of summoning, which is used in the case of evil and demonic forces. can be.
Due to the fact that it is clearly mentioned in the Charter of Cyrus that he is the devil and Gog Magog (Israel) He closes it with iron and copper and with God's help, and the same is mentioned in the Quran. It is possible to conclusively prove that this Bible and Israel are fake and evil. The power of the West and Israel is nothing but cooperation with Satan and demonic forces, and jinn, Satan, and demons are not myths.. This is also the reason why the prism is broken and has a missing piece.

“This is what the Lord says to his anointed,
to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of
to subdue nations before him
and to strip kings of their armor,
to open doors before him
so that gates will not be shut:
2 I will go before you
and will level the mountains[a];
I will break down gates of bronze
and cut through bars of iron.
3 I will give you hidden treasures,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the Lord,
the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
4 For the sake of Jacob my servant,
of Israel my chosen,
I summon you by name
and bestow on you a title of honor,

This is love and cannot be found
The Qur'an is true and its verse cannot be found
Every lover has been shot by this hunter
He is bleeding and his injury is not visible . {Maulana}

O People of the Book, why do you confuse the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know?

O People of the Book, even though you know the truth, why do you mix truth with falsehood and hide the truth?
People of the Book! Why do you confound the truth with vanity, and conceal the truth and that wittingly?

This video also shows how this English trickster man who is the head of the National Museum of England. By distorting the history of the British Empire, he calls it modern Achaemenid and uses the Cyrus Cylinder as a tool to bring Iran into the world league of Satan and justifies the existence of Israel.. While the empire of Cyrus was divine, not evil, and it had nothing in common with the evil empire of conspiracy, assassination, subversion, and secrecy of England..

A nation that does not know its history is doomed to repeat it. They have stolen our history, our civilization, our glory, and our symbols, and they have turned them upside down, and according to the words of the Quran, they have covered the truth with falsehood and taken possession of it..

+ Written on Thursday, June 18, 1396 hours 16:41 by Trader | Write a comment
Persepolis and Pyramids!

The American bald eagle symbolizes freedom and strength, this symbolism goes back to Cyrus the Great who ruled over 4 corners of the world and there was real freedom for every nation and each individual, he had the Falcon as his standard (Cyrus Standard), and he was just and anointed by God (one of King’s Falcons), on the contrary were pyramids of pharaohs which you can see on dollar bills, are signs of covert dictatorship and control, these rulers are controlled by Satan in real sense of the word, they practice Satanism or so called “wisdom of Nebo” which dates back to cruel pharaohs and from there to king of Israel Ashurbanipal which got overthrown by Cyrus who established a vast kingdom based on truth and teachings of Zarathustra and after Achaemenid Empire, that Satanic wisdom came to surface again and it has been passed down through history to Egyptians to Romans and Hitler up until now … in simple terms they just follow their satanic scriptures like Ashurbanipal did, they make falsehood look like normal by legislation and money and power they have, they have manipulated everything, they have made everything upside down and corrupted, they have changed the religions and the history. Their business model is creating pyramids by controlling everyone and by creating chaos and by letting Gog and Magog (Quranic jeans) running amok, and feeding these demonic forces by bloodshed and falsehood and by making sacrifices in their satanic rituals and by spreading unholy names and images in the world and I agree that they are very good at it. Their finest trick is to convince everyone that devil does not exist!

In this model, everything is stupid and upside down, it is a pyramid, one is on the top and everyone controls everyone else, jealousy and hatred is dominant and people are professional hypocrites, and it is dense and dark like pyramids, pharaohs were ruthless dictators, who used to control everyone and their government was not based on heavenly wisdoms but based on satanism and witchery, so we have two main forces some people practice that old good wisdom, some practise Satanism and Zionism which are the same, many even do not know who is who, and that they are entangled inside a dark pyramid.

In molecular biology we have this notion that proteins structure and function go hand in hand, In photos below one can see clearly the same relationship applies between structure and function in Kingdoms (countries), these satanic rulers (pharaohs) were so in love with this mundane world that they were buried inside their business models, in photos below on the top is Persepolis which you can see friendship between nations, it is open Godly and full of amazing divine wisdom which is based on love for creator and creation, another one Satanic and based on control, corruption, war, greed and power. Unfortunately it is the Pyramid model which is practised today in the world as we know it!

So we have this pyramid scam spreading like cancer and we have Donalnd Trump to buit the “United Pyramids of America” (UPA) which has gone viral as rule model.Folks the world has become a satanic pyramid scam, lighten up! it is time for change!s!



If possible, give the source of the construction of the dam by Cyrus from ancient sources such as the history of Herodotus or Ctesias and Xenophon..


It's interesting that you show a picture of the statue of Koresh Kabir with a hat and someone comes and says that he had a so-and-so.( That is, he considers the ancient statue to be equal to his words and considers both of them to have the same document!!!)

Someone comes and says that they considered Koresh Kabir to be bloodthirsty!! Which criminal does not consider himself oppressed and the oppressed oppressor? At the beginning of Islam, the Prophet and Hazrat Ali were well defined by their enemies?

Another one comes with his 150-year-old country, he becomes a proud creditor of Iranian scientists 700-800 years ago. He does not think that we have had the likes of Ibn Sina in this century: For example, the doctor has an account that if not more, is not less.
But in these 150 years of the formation of your country, did you have a semi-scientist????


Hello. Look, we still don't know the history completely, see how different historical texts mention Cyrus in a good way and mention him in a very bloody way, but no one has ever thought that this issue is related to 2500 it's a year ago —- This intensity of contradiction can be due to the fact that we don't have a Cyrus in history at all! — Has anyone noticed this yet? —- The possibility that the person whom the Qur'an calls Dhul-Qarnain is from the land of Iran is very high, because there was a monotheistic religion in Iran, but there is no such thing about Rome and Alexander, apart from telling each other that Alexander is bloody. Whether it was or not, we can point to a simpler point that everyone is aware of and we agree on it and there is no need to prove it. (All this talk) No, and that is that Iskandar is not a monotheist at all!

And maybe that Cyrus who is addressed in the bloody history is another person, how can we consider them all as one? You took a genetic test to find out all the Cyruses from whom, with different names,
#Ki Rosh, Kiaresh, Ki Ardeshir – Ki Arash and … And they have even mentioned it with the name Bahman, and they have mentioned them as Cyrus and Dhul-Qarnaini mentioned in the Qur'an.


Dear friends, recognizing Zul-Qarnain as blind is just a theory that some people support, both from religious scholars and lay people and ordinary people.. It is completely natural that some people are convinced by these reasons and some are not. For example, because I am Iranian, I would like someone to be like Koresh Zulqarnain, but I was not convinced by the reality of Anuz, and I do not consider these reasons to be sufficient, especially since there are also reasons to reject this theory..
Before the revolution, he wrote a detailed article about Dhul-Qarnain in Maktab Islam magazine, in which he denied that Dhul-Qarnain was Alexander the Great and mentioned a person named Eskandros. Now I don't remember what his source was..
In any case, the Qur'an did not consider it necessary to say some things because his person was not important from the Qur'an's point of view, but he was following another purpose in saying that matter. Some people say that there were seven people, this is quoted by the Qur'an itself, but it did not say how many people there were. ( which means infallible imams) they know. Why didn't he say their number because their number is not important at all, the message of these verses is the purpose and action of the companions of the cave, which has been praised, now their number can be whatever you want.. The same thing is true about Zul-Qarnain, now the person is whoever he wants to be, it is the behavior of that person that is important and praised by the Qur'an, you behave in the same way, Zul-Qarnain is you.. According to Ferdowsi, you are Fereydoun.
And it is said that the star of Dawood is on the petroglyph of Dasht Marghab ( Passarguard ) There is, I must say that this is either due to the ignorance of historians or the plagiarism and theft of Jewish historians and archaeologists.. The star on the flag of Israel today has nothing to do with David, but it existed in ancient times and before David, and it is a symbol of the seven regions, the central core of which is blood inheritance, and each side of it refers to one of the other six regions. slow. This star has no Israelite or Davidic roots at all, and it is a forgery and theft, just like the German Nazis used the four-pointed star. ( which was forged in the name of the broken cross ) They stole from the past and made it their symbol. Even this symbol + It is also a shortened form that is used today instead of the cross, and it is the sign of the red cross and has nothing to do with the cross. The pattern of the cross on one side should be longer. You can see the tomb of Achaemenid kings in Naqsh Rostam, which looks like + Is. Was there Christianity at all at that time? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi, excuse me. First, India and Sindh were not two lands. They were two brothers, India and Sindh bin Toqir bin Yaqtin Ham bin Noah. Second, you wrote this, but you did not write a transfer. Third, you related every famous person to your own country. For example, you attributed Bo Ali Sina and Mir Hamed Hossein Handi to your own country. Do you accept that I am a Palestinian or a Jew because they only spoke Hebrew?.

Say this sentence in the wind
If it were not for Iran, it would not be my body

Bride dress

It was a good article
Thank You

an Iranian

Friends of History consists of two parts,The first part is speculation and the second part is prejudice. It is necessary to say that while we know Genghis Khan as cruel and bloodthirsty, in the east he is known as a wise, powerful, powerful and righteous empire. Or Alexander in Macedonia, in Europe. He is remembered as a sage and philosopher and a powerful and powerful king who learned philosophy and wisdom from Aristotle and was able to conquer the world. It is interesting that the hat he wore had two horns. But I said that part of history is speculation.,As there are many reasons that Cyrus or Alexander are the same Zulqarnain,There are also reasons to reject these theories. For example, in the same famous tablet of Cyrus, which is often censored inside the country, in lines twenty-three and twenty-four onwards, which are from Cyrus's own words, he first mentions the help of Baal and Nabu, the two big idols of that era, in the arrival and confirmation of the kingdom of Cyrus' father and his family, and then the support and confirmation of the kingship of Cyrus himself and his son Kambojie by Marduk, the god of the Babylonians, who was also the great idol of Babylon, not the only god.,If you read the beginning of verse 125 of Surah Safat, you will understand what kind of god Baal was and Elijah fought with the worshipers of those years. And that it is mentioned in some places that this was just a tactic that Cyrus mentioned Marduk, which left a place in the hearts of the people of Babylon. This is also a big mistake because it is far from God's wisdom to send a prophet who approves of idols instead of calling to God. Jews, Israel, and Sumer of that time. And another point is that if you ask the Saudi rulers now why they attacked Yemen, they will say that because the people there were captives of the oppression of cruel and infidel rulers, we attacked the people there at their own request to save their people. to save, and this justification has been used many times throughout history by the British, Americans, and Arabs, and it is something that all kings throughout history use that sentence in all their campaigns. The last sentence is that if it was Dhul-Qarnain should be known, the Qur'an itself clearly mentions it, and there was no need for anyone to guess.


If we mean the two horns on the inscription, it is similar to the two horns that are on the head of one of the four gods of ancient Egypt, and since it is an archetype, it seems more likely that it was born from the Egyptians' way of thinking..


Hello, dear friend, the only opinion that was acceptable to me was yours. You answered without prejudice and with complete information

Arash Adeli

So you tell me who was Zulqarnain .
No one said he was a prophet of God
You have only seen the flaw in his entire charter of human rights
You should know that it was the Achaemenid civilization that caused the understanding of Islam and its promotion, even better than the Arabs .
Also, why do some people have heart trouble who want to make Cyrus and their civilization look bad while Hahan respects it? !!


I invite all the friends who read this article and the respected author who wrote the article to read the book ” Zulqarnain ” Written by Mr. Abdullah Mostahsen
It has very interesting content. I hope you don't miss this book .
Good luck

Pre-insulated channel

Thank you very much for your site


Thank you, dear friend, the Arabs of Hejaz have never been interested in Iranian emperors, because they have been punished many times due to border mercies and encroachments. The book of the Arabs should mention Cyrus. Their victory over Iran . This is Muhammad( Z) He was the person who returned the Holy Cross to Jerusalem and extinguished the Pars fire. And in this way, he is praised and called the king of Iran with the title of pharaoh. it was good
It is true that one should only respect the opinions, beliefs, and suggestions of others about Islam, but shouldn't anyone who is born and until he dies think a little that the ancient and glorious history of Iran fell into the hands of the Arabs and why? A prophet in the holy land of Israel and a savior, Jesus Christ, who is the first and last savior and son of God, He was a messenger after whom no one came or continued, Now, how is it that someone lives in Iran but does not seek the truth and does not ask himself the most important question that even people who are often illiterate say to themselves, why did God send his prophet and his son Jesus after all, why after that God From Arabs, greyhounds, barbarians, hypocrites, clowns, prophets, anti-human rights and warmongers???!!!Thank you.


Hello, you are insulting the religion of Islam. This is not a question of religion. It does not matter which country the noble prophet of Islam is from. It is not necessary that he is only Iranian, and Iran was not Iranian. Countries like Afghanistan, Greece and Egypt are ruled? But it was not the same Iranians who were violated many times by Afghans, Turks, Arabs, Iskander Haftalian, so the reason for the destruction of Iranian civilization is not Islam, it is ourselves.


There are no more than two situations, either Zulqarnain was the great Korosh or my aunt…Judge for yourself…I think Cyrus was great

Saeed. Amirkhani Farahani

Hello, dear friend. The fact that you care about your identity and that it is important to you is desirable and very valuable.. Wow…From your literature, I can guess that you are probably one of our fellow Christians.(Peace and blessings of God be upon him)You insulted, it is not reasonable, and the same is the case with Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him)You said that he was the son of God, this is wrong because that honorable man himself never said that he was the son of God and he did not make such a claim, but when he was born, he addressed the Jewish priests when he was born.:I am the servant of God and His Prophet, who has commanded me to do good to my pure mother, to pray and to give zakat.(The Gospel of Barnabas and the Gospels of Ahurakifa)And about the Holy Quran, have you read it even once and pondered over it? You about Prophet Muhammad(Peace and blessings of God be upon him)You said Khonrez. On the basis of which narrative or divine document do you say such a thing? They have received the title of Mercy for the Worlds from the Almighty God. And according to you, they were sent as a prophet to the wild uncivilized Arabs and made them logical people, although There were very few of his righteous companions. All the wars that you see, the Arabs converted to Islam and won victories, they were the ones who did not follow the will of the Holy Prophet of Islam after his martyrdom, and they kept Amir al-Mu'minin Ali at home for 25 years, and worse than that, the only daughter of the Messenger of God along with They killed her 8-month-old baby and made her a martyr. Yes, the daughter of their Prophet. And these usurpers in the name of Islam only under the pretext of promoting Islam, and their real goal was to plunder and destroy the nations. So they misused the name of the Holy Prophet.


I wish you would read the Qur'an just once and realize that all these unique points of the universe are possible by someone who was not even literate? You who are the Messiah.(ع) You call him the son of God, you should know that it is precisely because of your belief that God has mentioned many times in the Qur'an that I do not have a son, and that honorable man himself has introduced himself as the prophet of God, not the son of God.
The Tazi people, who were savages, made significant scientific progress after Islam, which the Europeans despised
The Prophet of Islam and the infallible imams never attacked a country, and in fact they always defended it, and if they did, they did not resort to bloodshed, like the conquest of the Kaaba.
Don't you think to yourself that maybe the human rights you are talking about are against the Koran and even against Christianity and true Judaism and divine religions?
Read the Qur'an a little to learn about its miracles and also note that the Holy Prophet of Islam was illiterate
At the same time, we respect all prophets and beliefs, so don't be disrespectful




The Arabs of Hijaz have never been interested in the Iranian emperors because they have been punished many times due to border mercies and encroachment by the Iranian imperialists.. Even the Arabs living in the middle of the rivers were not very satisfied with the Iranian kings. Therefore, it is a logical reason to mention Cyrus in the book of the Arabs. The subject goes back to the attack of Heraclius (Hercules) From the Byzantine Empire and their victory over Iran . It was this person who returned the Holy Cross to Jerusalem and extinguished the Pars fire. And in this way, he is praised and called the king of Iran with the title of pharaoh.

Muhammad 1234

Cyrus is not Dhul-Qarnain. If he is, he has violated Islam and God's religion, so why did he order brother and sister and mother and….
Isn't it forbidden for him to get married, he is not Korosh Zulqarnain at all


Dear friend, it is better if you study a little more to find out who allowed marriage with mahrams and for what reason. I would just like to mention that the second Cambodia due to his own lust forced Zoroastrian scholars to do this custom against Sharia. and before that, such a thing was never done. It is better to research about the second Cambodian and his two sisters who married his wife.

No 3004

Peace be upon Mr. Muhammad
First of all, even in this century, when a cousin's son and cousin's daughter get married, the probability of having a child with genetic diseases is very high. Then, consider if they were married at that time, how could they all be engineers, generals, and strategists. A good and lovable craftsman and Achaemenid kings, if the result of marriage with incest, why are none of them suffering from any kind of binarism or genetic complications?
Please don't accept everything they tell us easily and weigh it with reason, logic and reliable sources.
Please don't take this mean comment to be rude
Thanks for the good Parsian Dej site


Anyone who doesn't want to accept God will say no Cyrus is a lie
There is a difference between someone who walks in a different way and one who walks in a different way.


Hello, friends, what do you say about this Arajif? Like you, the example of the same guy was that you asked him to introduce some of the ancient works and buildings of your city. He said that there was nothing before, but God bless the Islamic revolution and give it a long life. After the revolution, they started building some of them, but still Not completed
Dad, how are you? One day, you will know Mr. Kroosh from the Aryans who came from North Asia that you wrote about being barbarians. One day you will say that the Quraysh is the same Kroosh, the believer of the mosque, God has not seen the mosque.…. Indeed, if the Mongols are in North Asia, the Aryans are also false, and they are in North Asia. Are these areas that you say are Aryans closer to the Caucasus than the Mongols?!؟!Maybe the barbarians are the same as the Aryans, maybe because they are closer to the Caucasus than the Mongols, why do you lie? Where did Alexander shed blood? that Alexander's father was a scientist, he was an astronomer, first of all, it is not clear whether Alexander destroyed Persepolis, or someone else falsely says that Alexander destroyed it, secondly, if Alexander destroyed it, he did it well because he destroyed the palace, which caused thousands of thousands of ruins. Amir says that if a palace is built somewhere, it will cause the destruction of thousands of houses. Also, why didn't this Mr. Kroosh use iron and copper in his other constructions?!؟!؟!؟!خوب بنده میگم چون بلد نبود یکی دیگه اینکه چرا علمای تفسیر گذشته همه شون میفرمایند اسکندر همون ذوالقرنینه علمای جدیدالتأسیس میفرمایین این آقای کروش ذوالقرنینه آخه مصادره تاریخ چه نفعی به حاتون داره آهان حتما میخوان واسه خودتون یه راه نون وآب دربیارین بنده حرفم اینه آقایون اگه پیغمبر از اعراب بودن خوب ابوسفیان هم از اعراب بود ابولهب عموی پیامبر بود خوب اگه میفرمایین که قریش همان کورش هس قبول میکنین که معا ویه وعمرویزیدو تمامی فرومایه گان وقاطلین اولاد پیامبر هم از نسل کورش هستند ول کنین این حرفا رو یه مطلب هم یادم رفت راجع به ذوالقرنین بگم وقتی مردی از امیر ع راجع به ذوالقرنین پرسید این بزرگوار فرمودند او مردی خدا پرست بود وخیر خواه مردم ومردم را به خدا پرستی دعوت میکرد وبه همین دلیل مردم سر اورا شکافتند وبعد مدتی ازمیان مردم غایب شد وبعد خداوند اسباب تسلط بر مردم را به اوعطا کرد اوبار دیگر آمد وبر مردم مسلط شد وچون اودرمیان شما هست ومنظور حضرت از چون او خودشان بود پس چون سر ذوالقرنین شکافته شده بود به او ذوالقرنین میگفتند نه به خاطر اینکه دوشاخ داشت هیچ یک از اولیای الهی تاج شاخدار بر سر نگذاشته اند اگر ذوالقرنین به کسی گفته شود که دوشاخ دارد به گاو هم استغفرالله میشود ذوالقرنین گفت البته با استناد به مطالبی که شما میفرمایین در آخر یاد آور میشوم که دنیا باید خودرا برا جنگ نژادی که آدمهایی مثل شما میخواهد به راه بیفتد آماده کند فارس زبانها انسانهای بسیار خونگرم ومهربانی هستند اگرافرادی مثل شما نباشد دوست خوب اگر لازم بود خداوند حکیم خود به نصب ذوالقرنین اشاره میکرد شما خودتان را به زحمت نیندازید با این اتفاقات وانحرافات وتحریفاتی که در تاریخ ایران انجام میدهید انسانرا بی اراده به یاد انحرافات وتحریفات قوم یهود در تاریخ ادیان دنیا می اندازید


Ali Chandtasadsakhte Pulsht 🤣🤣🤣

Rock wool

Hello and thank you very much for your excellent site. Good luck.


By the way, Cyrus says, "I listened to all the closed prayer places, maybe I removed all the holy things from their place. Firstly, they meant the prayer places of the Jewish people, not the place of idols, because the king of Babylon was an idolater, so he did not destroy his own prayer places, so he meant the prayer places of the unified people. Secondly, England translated the inscription on its own face. I wish it was here, we could have seen it and translated it ourselves. Thirdly, perhaps the religion of the people of Babylon was monotheistic, and idolatry gradually entered it, as God says that everyone from the beginning was monotheistic. Its main goal is to save the believers, so peace be upon him


How are you so sure that Zul-Qarnain mentioned in the Quran is Cyrus? You made this Cyrus yourself Zul-Qarnain and about that picture, if that branch is what is on the top of the horn, it must be a bunch of flowers. !!! Because the picture is drawn one-sided, you thought it was a horn, which is actually a crown on the head, not a horn .


My dear, you are ignorant, you don't know, don't talk, Ayatollah Tabatabai and some other scholars from different countries have confirmed it.


Everyone knows that Alexander was not fair and just no matter what he was !!!!! Alexander was mentioned as a smart person and a special war commander, but on the other hand, he was also known for bloodshed and killing in his wars. . How could such a person be a prophet?! The characteristics of Dhul-Qarnain are much closer to Cyrus the Great than to Alexander the Great

Majid Ahmadinejadian

Hello friends, according to this verse, Dhul-Qarnain attacked from the east to the west, but Alexander the Great attacked from the west to the east, this is enough for a better understanding of the matter, but Cyrus the Great traveled from the west to the east until the sun set, so Alexander is not the meaning of this verse.

Majid Ahmadinejadian

Hello friends, according to this verse, Dhul-Qarnain attacked from the east to the west, but Alexander the Macedonian attacked the east of the board, this is enough for a better understanding of the matter.


Read the book Zul-Qarnain by Abdullah Mustahsan, Zul-Qarnain means owner of two nations(Evening) It is appearance and disappearance and Imam Mahdi (Aj) He is the only person who can be the Dhul-Qarnain of the Qur'an. 4 points:١- Referring to the future 2- Great power beyond imagination 3- West after East- Punishment and reward by Dhul-Qarnain(Prophets come to warn and bring good news, but here until he sees the people, the command is given to punish and reward, and it is a sign of the completion of the proof against the people in question, and it should be the time after the conclusion of the prophets of Hazrat Mahdi. (Aj) be)


********** What did it have to do with Dhul-Qarnain being a person who ruled before Islam, then you say he is the Imam of the time….


did not live
It has been spoken like Hazrat Muhammad, whose existence has been given good news
Imam Zaman has also been given good news with the name of Zalqarnain
They say that there are drawings of Cyrus with two horns, probably because of the same Jews who were freed by them
They made drawings according to the Achaemenians' talk about Dhul-Qarnain


Understand that it has been mentioned in the Qur'an that Dhul-Qarnain is for the past and that the things that the Qur'an has said happened much earlier

Amir Hossein

Well, Alexander also had two horns on his head, and of course, Alexander was just as peaceful as Cyrus

No 3004

To Yazdan, if we had wisdom
Where did we have this bad ending???


Hi, excuse me. Can I ask if Cyrus the Great, who took 2 thirds of the world, left his traces and remains to show that he conquered there?


The term Cyrus "the great" or Cyrus "the great" in its old meaning because the nations were interested in conquering and conquering means "conqueror" and it is also used to distinguish between two or three names of Cyrus, if this one is Cyrus II and in English for The distinction is also called Cyrus the Conqueror. The word great, like Alexander the Great, automatically induces a formula for the people of that land to see in this way.


Where did you come from that you are so cool?….You didn't ask yourself why Darius ruled over a land that he didn't get. All history honestly says that it was Cyrus who conquered 2/3 of the world, then Darius fell because Darius was a person who only protected this land until he wanted somewhere. and no one had done this before Cyrus.


Brother Korosh only took six percent of the world, where is two thirds? Think about it

No 3004

Greetings, Mr. Ilya
I agree with you, but what they say is that ninety-six percent of the world is known or discovered or civilized at that time. 44 The percentage of the world's population is under Persian rule


In the cylindrical valley of Koresh, the idols do these things in order:
In paragraph 9: Leaving the temples - paragraph 10: Returning to homes - paragraph 11: Paying attention and bringing mercy - paragraph 12: Searching, grasping, sharing and learning (name) – Clause 13: Wanting - Clause 14: Being happy and watching - paragraph 15: Arousing and taking steps - paragraph 17: Predestination, escape from disaster and don't leave it in Koresh's hands - paragraph 22: To cherish and have a happy heart - paragraph 23: Making people aware of courage - paragraph 25: Having a desire - paragraph 26: Being satisfied - paragraph 28: To bestow blessings - paragraph 32: Having an eternal home - paragraph 33: Being angry, commanding and being pleased - paragraph 34: Praying - paragraph 35: Asking for long life and intercession.
With these interpretations, common sense cannot call this Glenbashteh, with all these illogical and blasphemous polytheistic contents, as a document including human rights. Apart from the above, almost the rest of the clauses tell about the worship of idols or the reconstruction of idol codes, including clauses 31 to 36.
From the Holy Quran, we have such an understanding that Dhul-Qarnain was a faithful and unified person. Now we know that Cyrus praised several idols instead of fighting idolatry in his valley, and we know about Cyrus' polytheism and his sacrifice to several other gods in different sources.. Also, he does not mention the one and only God anywhere, and we believe that he does not know about it either.. The four-winged god figure in the area of ​​Balaghi plain or Mashhad Mader Suleiman (Attributed to Pasargad) It is also a Phoenician pattern with an Egyptian crown, and now there are many examples of that type of pattern and that type of crown in Mesopotamia and Egyptian sculptures.. In general, the word "Qarn" in the Qur'an means "people" and not "horns" because of the type of the crown. It should be added that by examining the attacks and wars of Cyrus, which are given in the author's senior thesis with references, we do not see any difference between him and other conquerors of the country.. The author also has some materials in his hand that the area that was named Pasargad and the interpretations surrounding its works are rejected or suspect, which are not covered here, and are presented in another detailed article. became. Leaving aside these, Hazrat Ali has quoted the theme in the book of "Sheikh Saduq" called "Allal Al-Shari'a" in the first volume, page 40.: "Zulqarnain was neither a prophet nor a king!However, with what common sense, some of Iskandar (In the time before the introduction of Cyrus and the early centuries of Hijri) And some of them are blind(In recent years) attributed to Dhul-Qarnain?!
About the dam, it is said in the Quran that he got help from the people to build a dam with large pieces of molten iron and copper.. From these verses, we understand that this dam will remain until the Day of Judgment. But such a dam has not yet been discovered on earth, and the dams they have said do not have the specifications mentioned in the Quran. Referring to other verses of the Quran, Mr. Raifipour considered iron and copper to be iron and brassy people who are resistant to the enemies of God, and they have long speeches about it that have been recorded..
Therefore, Zul-Qarnain's speech cannot be blinded by any means, and repeating this speech is deceiving people and is a sin..


it is interesting!!!!!!!!!!!
All that was left was the fans of Mr. Rafipour(The genius of history and philosophy and interpretation of the Qur'an) Express concern about deceiving people.
It is quite natural that in a country that ranks first in the escape of elites, the likes of Mr. Rafipour are seen as geniuses and philosophers.


Probably Dhul-Qarnain was the same as Cyrus and the Imam of the time (ع) They are not, because Imam Zaman organizes and commands the whole world, not two-thirds of the world .


Your evil is very big

Amir Hossein

Smart Mr! The first century means a branch, then the second, if it means a people, it goes back to Cyrus the Great who was able to keep the two peoples of Medes and Persia united..


When he hit Mad, he massacred him 38000 killed someone


He killed 38101 people. Where do you get this nonsense from?

No 3004

Where do you get these numbers from?
Who said such a thing?


In a charter that is in the form of an inscription and attributed to Achaemenid Cyrus, Cyrus repeatedly referred to Marduk Baal and Nebo, the idols of the Babylonian people. (Babylon) He mentioned and praised them.
Allameh Tabatabai said that Dhul-Qarnain may be the same as Cyrus, he made a historical comparison without expressing devotion…. But Martyr Motahari criticized Cyrus's respect for pagans and giving them permission to worship them.
Except for the above possible case, nothing was seen in the interpretations of other Shia elders except a hadith from Imam Ali (ع) This is why they did not mention that Zulqarnain was a king :
And in the hadith of Ali (ع) And he was asked about him, is he a prophet or a king? And he said: Abd Salih loved God, so God loved him, and advised God, so he advised him.
Majma Al-Bahreen, Volume 6, p: 295
From Imam Ali (ع) they asked: Was Dhul-Qarnain a prophet or a king? They said:
He was a righteous servant of God whom God loved…
The religion of Islam is so rich in worldly and hereafter advices and recommendations that in many cases it is attributed to fake people. Now what is behind these cases?…


Mr. Motahari is the same person who said that if Hazrat Zainab was alive, he would have said, Shiites, don't say Hussein, say Palestine, Palestine, which is all Baha'i, Wahhabi, and Salafi, I am really sorry for some friends who have no less knowledge than the people they mentioned.


The problem is that with some short-sighted and ignorant people, you can't use big words and have a logical discussion with them, it's like talking to a two-year-old child, he was a big blind person..


It is not found anywhere that the dam built by Dhul-Qarnain will remain until the doomsday. It is confirmed in the traditions that that dam will be destroyed in the end of time and Gog and Magog will start their corruption again. In addition, there is a narration of the Prophet who said, "Woe to the Arabs, the dam of Gog and Magog broke.". The Prophet's wife asked, does that mean we are all destroyed? The Prophet said that if debauchery increases, yes


Of course, I must also write that this hadith that I wrote about the Prophet must also be checked in terms of its authenticity and authenticity, because I just read this hadith, although it is authentic in the hadiths that the dam will be destroyed in the end of time and Gog and Magog will cause corruption.

Devoted leader

Hello, I really cannot understand the importance of this issue, why some people are so attached to this issue? A few questions, does it make a difference whether Cyrus the Great is a prophet or not in our lives, actions and behavior? Are other prophets like Jesus and Moses? And Prophet Noah and … who were some of the Prophets of Al-Wal Azm, are they involved in our daily lives, actions and situations? Assuming that Cyrus the Great was a Prophet and his entire family were Prophets, isn't it that his age and time have passed. And almost (Except for the inscription )There is nothing left, and with the coming of a more perfect religion, aren't we obligated to follow the more perfect religion?
And in the end, dear ones of today's era of Islam and the prophet who was the last of those prophets, so let's stick to the prophet of our time and see what is our duty now?


Yes, my friend, Moses and Jesus were not the prophets of our land, but Cyrus the Great is the prophet of our land, so our actions, behavior and character should be similar to our prophet, if this is the case, we are not afraid of any nation.……


Friends, don't fight with each other . What is certain is that Cyrus was a well-known and just king who, according to many experts and authorities, imitated the choices close to Dhul-Qarnain in the Qur'an, but even if he was not Dhul-Qarnain, Cyrus the Great is remembered so well that it shows It says that he was a pious person and probably a monotheist because all this kindness and generosity and humanity cannot be gathered in the existence of a polytheist and godless person.……….


Mrs. Leila
First of all, I had not cursed so that it would be censored, but I had made a pseudo-political remark that had no case, but Mr. Khorasani preferred to censor it.
Second, you are right, for you eight percent heavenly people, Raifipour is good, and for us hellish people, Cyrus the Great, if you were literate, you would go to Raifipour to understand the verse.… Who is Taleghani and what did he say?!!
Ms. Leila, you know how religious people like you are, well, I'll tell you now:(In addition, I myself am Muslim and Shiite)
“People like you go and read the Koran or the rules of religion. You like it somewhere, and you say, "Evil, what a cool religion we have, for example, where it talks about love for women, such as dowry and ….On the other hand, every now and then you come across verses that do not please the wise people like you, and you say, well, I have nothing to do with this piece, and then you pass it by very easily, and of course you are fooling yourself, for example, it is said in Islam that he is a man. He can beat a woman if necessary, and definitely if your wife behaves like that, you will file for divorce tomorrow morning and you have nothing to do with the fact that divorce is the most haram haram according to the same religion on earth, because the beating you took was voluntary. It wasn't you, you don't care what religion has to say anymore, and you are the ones who keep fooling yourself instead of thinking about such matters.”
Thirdly, if you want to make a hero out of him, make it, but without me, I listened to many of his lectures before you, and I even attended one time and visited him from a close distance, he is not an illiterate person, but in the field of religion, especially the interpretation of the Quran He does not have enough literacy, therefore, while he is a literate person, he does not have the necessary expertise to interpret the Qur'an and talk about Dhul-Qarnain, even if he wants to present a new theory. Whenever the Prophet of Islam went to the pulpit, his goal was to People should understand that they should read books, not that instead of reading books, people just go and sit at the words of a pulpit and a thought prevails over them..


Dear friend, I had a question, where does it say in the Quran that a man can beat his wife, or where does it say in the Quran that divorce is forbidden? .

This word that you said exists in the Christian religion, but again …

Again, regarding people going to the pulpit, you are admitting that the Prophet said to acquire knowledge, otherwise, to interpret the Qur'an, one should go to someone who has the knowledge to do this.

But in the case of Rafipour, if you pay attention, he is always saying in his meetings that such and such a cleric said, or for example, he wrote a commentary in a certain book, that is, he does not say from himself, but he always says to ask some other clerics.


Dear friend, Mr. Saeed, you interpreted the verses related to men beating women and divorce from your own point of view. I recommend that you read the verses more carefully, don't even read the commentary, you will understand what the Qur'an thinks about this.…….Regarding whether or not Cyrus was Dhul-Qarnain …The past has really affected your life so much now. Understanding the past and reading history and examining Cyrus' behavior and good deeds are definitely good and a source of pride..


How can Zulqarnain be Cyrus, even though Cyrus was idol worshiper and if you go to Persepolis, he also wrote on his wall that I was able to take 2 thirds of the world by reaching the boot of Babylon.


Hello, dear soul, you have a great understanding of respecting opinions, why don't you respect Mr. Yusuf's opinion and make fun of him?


You have a warm heart, my love, Shamshad


You are really hot


I myself love Kursh, but …It is very interesting that you take the material from the Quran, but you do not interpret it according to the Quran. In the Quran, Dhul-Qarnain is also translated as two branches. (No dam ) It should remain until the Day of Resurrection, according to the meaning of the trail, which means impenetrable, no, say now that there are remains, God, who is not idle, said that the trail would have eased our minds. ???Hazrat Mahdi from his father to Hazrat Muhammad (ص) It comes from a mother's head to the Messiah. That path is the path that is placed between humans and demons and will remain there until the Day of Resurrection. For more information, be sure to watch the clip of Zulqarnain Ali Akbar Rafipour. .


Hahahahaha Raefipour:Ph.D. in gibberish and rambling from Harvard University
************************** What if it is equal to Allameh Tabatabai or other scholars who agree with Cyrus the Great”
Vahid Jan, there is no doubt that Hazrat Mahdi is the savior of humanity, but it is an illusion, at least read this article to see that Mr. Raefipour is not even a theoretician.
Maybe he has information in some cases, but he is not an interpreter of the Qur'an


I think you should learn politeness first and then come and comment, as much as the professor was able to push Joona towards religion, no religious scholar has helped him and this shows his sincerity.


In the Qur'an, the word past is used, which means Dhul-Qarnain was in the past


There were so many emotional topics that I doubted myself, but you put everything together and stuck to one idea. Most of the topics have been answered.!!? But the problem is that your words are based on emotions rather than a scientific discussion!!۱- The history of the cylinder of Cyrus 2- Marduk and the gods of Babylon 3 – Abdul Majid Arfai 4 - Shahrukh Razmjo 5- Persepolis 6- Achaemenian religion 7 - Prophet's promise to conquer Iran and Rome 8- Qur'an's promise to conquer Iran and Rome 9 – Caliphate of Imam Ali 10- Rebellions during the caliphate of Imam Ali 11- Wars between Islam and Jews during the time of the Prophet 12- Campaigns of the Prophet 13- Cooperation of Imam Ali and Caliphs 14- The reasons for the fall of the Sassanids 15- Jundishapur University 16- War and peace from the perspective of the Qur'an 17- Alexander the Great and a miniature painting of him in Iran((While there was no role of Cyrus in the era after Islam and recent centuries)) ۱۸- War from the perspective of the Qur'an 19- Arab commanders in war 20- Exaggeration of history in Iran and Islam wars 21- The reasons for the defeat of Iranians from Islam 22- Islam in Iran 23- Majid Arfai's words about the charter 24- Professor Emily Court and Big Lies 25- Khutba 134 of Nahj al-Balagha 26- Shirk 27- Luqman's advice to his son in Quran 28 – Hadiths about polytheism and its punishment 29 – The story of Prophet Yusuf and God's wrath 30- Candidates of Zulqarnain and their reasons 31- (((1. Nahj al-Balagha, sermon 146.
2. C.K: Majlesi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 40, p. 253, Khandamir, History of Rouza al-Safa, vol. 2, second part, p. 1771.
3. Encyclopaedia of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib(ع)Part 3, pp. 91-93.
4. Jaafarian, History of Caliphs, p. 115
5. Masoudi, Moruj al-Dahahab, vol. 2, p. 309.
6. Surah Hujarat, verse 14.
7. The political life of Imam Hassan Mojtabi(ع)Jafar Morteza Ameli, p. 122.
8. History of Iran after Islam, p. 157.
9. An overview of the lives of the imams of Athar(ع)Motahari, p. 50; Attraction and repulsion of Imam Ali(ع)Motahari, 153; Siri in Nahj al-Balagha, Motahari, 258.))) Regarding the reasons for the war with Iran 32 - Imam Ali's opinion(peace be upon him) About the Arab attack on Iran to spread Islam and their position 33- The truth of ancient Iran 34 – The reasons for the differences between the Macedonian soldiers and Alexander the Great, etc., which are for your emotional content, if the content had a scientific content, the answer would definitely be more coherent, but it seems that you have intertwined so many topics due to lack of time or lack of specific material.. Regarding the fact that I say that the Cyrus charter belongs to Iraq, what should I do, so that you don't mind saying that the charter belongs to Iran? Regarding immigration, I must say that it is obvious that anyone should look for a country where they can live a peaceful and trouble-free life, and that country will first accept immigrants and then establish rights for them. Arab countries are either sedition or vastness. They don't have geography or they don't have the progress like Europe.((Of course, I don't deny your words, but if another country like Iran comes, if the government institution does not defend them, they will face the same disaster. . However, in a country like Turkey, which is also its institution, and I see its claims again, not only are there violations against Iranian and non-Iranian immigrants, although sometimes the voice of the United Nations and now sometimes our country is also heard.)) Therefore, Arab countries are not accepting immigrants, as a result, there is no institution for immigrants, although Saudi Arabia only accepts immigrants and that as a servant from East Asian countries.. Well, now you may not know about the borders. There are millions of our compatriots on the borders of Turkey, Greece and Macedonia, and they introduce Afani or another nationality to immigrate to Europe.. So even if they have facilities and public welfare and security, it is still the first destination for European immigration. As for the caliphs, now except for us Shiites, whose population is several million, all of them are from other religions of Islam, other than Wahhabism, do you see violence in other religions?? For example, are the Sunnis all bad?? Because they believe in the righteous caliphs!!? And as far as I know, Islamophobia in the hands of other countries, for example, England creates Wahhabism, and America creates ISIS out of Wahhabism, and we can say that this is Islam.!? Unfortunately, you don't have a lot of comprehensive information about the history of Islam, and if you weren't of Iranian origin, you wouldn't have studied history at all, and when you did, you entered into a conflict with the rules of Islam.. Islam is the religion of mercy, no one is ever condemned without the most difficult reasons and thousands of ways of acquittal, and at the end it says that it is better for you than to forgive.!!! In my opinion, if you go a little further and reach the contemporary history, I even think that it will deny the religious authority and the system of our country, because it is not compatible with your sensitive soul, but you can see that if someone is sentenced to death according to the laws of Islam, you must know that he has to go through thousands of filters in order to come to this verdict. Of course, if you are against the whole issue of conquest of Iran, with or without war, you must disagree with the opinion of the Prophet and the Qur'an, because the Prophet in several hadiths such as ((([Justice]
^ Islam advocacy and guidance website: Sahih Muslim » The Book of Trials and Signs of the Hour » Chapter on the Conquests of Muslims Before the Antichrist
^ Islamweb, Encyclopedia of Hadith: Sahih Muslim » The Book of Trials and Signs of the Hour » Chapter ” The Hour will not be established until a man has passed …
^ Islamweb, Encyclopedia of Hadith: An Explanation of the Sunnah » The Book of Tribulations » The Chapter on Excessive Wealth and Conquests …
^ Encyclopedia of Scientific Miracles in the Qur'an and Sunnah: Al-Ghaibi and historical miracles; The destruction of Kasri and Qaiser and the fall of Malikham
^ Islamweb, Encyclopedia of Hadith: Sunan al-Nasa'i al-Sughri, the sum of the hadith: ۳۱۴۳))) He promised to conquer Iran and Rome to the Muslims and the commanders of the war were all companions and some very close companions of Imam Ali. I have always said that a small number of barefooted and hungry people cannot win against a large army armed to the teeth without the promise and help of God. If they fail, you can be sure that the entire Arab peninsula will be covered in blood and neither the Kaaba nor Islam will remain.! The contents are much wider than I can bring them all in one comment, you can read and see in the topics I mentioned above.!!!


Yes, I did not expect more from you, you take and execute a death sentence for yourself
The sun will testify on the Day of Judgment
I just hope that one day you will be treated as you believe
I also saw your Quranic literacy, how well you interpreted verse 82 of Surah Nahl, which refutes all your documents.


Saeed, first understand then write


 Mr. Hamed, sorry for being late
 1-Regarding your opinion about Dhul-Qarnain, I must say that your argument that because Cyrus owed his victory to Marduk, it is a proof that he is a polytheist, and as a result, he cannot be Dzul-Qarnain, is not a strong reason for several reasons.:
 One) You are not the first person who has realized this fact, but many Islamic scholars who agree with Cyrus being Dhul-Qarnain are aware of your statement, you are using the excuse that Allameh Tabataba'i presented his view before translating the charter. You have rejected it, but first let's see which scholars agree with Cyrus being Dhul-Qarnain, and I will name some of them.:
-Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the great commentator of the Qur'an and the Minister of Culture of India during Gandhi's time, in his interpretation of Majam Al Bayan
-Allameh Tabataba'i in Tafsir al-Mizan
-The verse…Makarem Shirazi and ten great commentators(such as Qaraati, Emami, Ashtiani, Hosni, Shojaei, Abdulahi, Mohammadi, etc …) In interpreting the example
 -Tabande Gonabadi in the book of three mystical stories from the Quran

-The verse… Mir Mohammad Karim Alavi in ​​Tafsir Kashf al-Haqayq

-The verse… Seyyed Mohammad Faqih, professor of ethics, hafiz of the Koran and representative of the Second Assembly of Experts

-Sadr Balaghi in the stories of the Qur'an
-Tabatabaei environment teacher
-Hojjat al-Islam martyr Hasheminejad
And writers like Ali Shariati in the book” Recognizing Iranian Islamic identity” and Bastani Parisi, Manochehar Khodiar and…

But most importantly, prominent Islamic scholars of the Arab world and contemporary with us, among others:

-Sheikh Ash'arawi

-Dr. Abdel Moneim Anmer: He is the highest religious authority(Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs of Egypt and Islamic scholar of the 20th century)And there were the greatest contemporary Islam scholars in Egypt who agreed with the theory of Abul Kalam Azad, but since he is not alive, we assume that he also did not benefit from your discoveries, and as a result, we do not take him seriously..

-After Dr. Abdul Moneim, the most important scientific and religious figure of the Arab world, Saber Saleh Zaghloul, concluded in a 327-page book in 2011 that Abu Al Kalam Azad's view is closer to reality..
Mr. Hamed, who is certainly aware of the translation of the charter, how do you want to reject him? Surely you want to say that if he made a mistake, it was in this case? Wow, he wrote 327 pages of the book.(In 2011)But he was not aware of the translation of the charter of Cyrus, but only you know!!!!!It's good, from now on we will bring all the scholars of Islam to you to tell you what they know.!!!!!!!!I think you consider everything that has roots in ancient Iran to be hellish in nature.

Mr. Hamed, I say again that this statement of Cyrus is not a proof that he is a polytheist because he was a Zoroastrian and we have to look at his whole life, not one day of his life. In fact, Mr. Hamed, there could be a thousand and one reasons for this, for example, as I said, the next After the conquest of Babylon, he found himself among pagan people, well, he could have said this to respect their religion, for example, that if he could save them from the oppression of the king of Babylon, it would be with the help of the same god that they believe in, and as I said that Cyrus did not fulfill the mission of the people of Babylon to go and explain to them, sir, that these stone gods have no value, and to forbid them from disbelief; Mr. Hamed, I would like to ask you a question.:
If Cyrus was a polytheist and idolater, then how come not even an idol has been found in Shiraz and the place where Cyrus lived? If according to you, he believed in Marduk, who was a stone god, then at least a stone idol should have been found by now. Was it found in Pasargad? But what the inscriptions from the Achaemenid period testify is that the Achaemenid kings were monotheists..
On the other hand, Mr. Hamed, as you mentioned, we have different types of shirk:Obvious or open polytheism, which means idolatry… which does not need to be explained, and a secret or hidden partnership that, according to the little information that I remember from the book of religion and life in high school, even a believer and God-fearing person (Muslim, Christian, Zoroastrian, Jewish, etc…)He can also fall into this polytheism, and I think that if Cyrus committed the sin of polytheism with this word, it was of a secret kind, because as I said, he said this word to respect the opinion of the people of Babylon, and once this word of his can be a proof of Shirk is clear that he himself believes in the same stone god, but as I said, if this was the case, there is at least one idol in Shiraz, especially in the place where Cyrus lives.(Pasargad)It should have been found, and I will say it again, although his words strengthened the faith of the people of Babylon in the same stone god, but he was not the prophet who had to forbid evil..
Even if you remember from Hazrat Yusuf series, when he was in prison, he ordered one of the prisoners who was about to be released to serve the king of Egypt, so that he would tell the king of Egypt to have an opinion on the status of Hazrat Yusuf so that he could be released from prison sooner. Even though they were sentenced to seven years in prison by God after these words, it is not a proof that they are polytheists, after all, we all know that from the Islamic point of view, cruel kings such as Nemard and pharaohs are called living idols..
Mr. Hamed, do you really think that no one has discovered this claim of yours yet? So I say frankly that these religious scholars that I mentioned are all suffering because they have not realized this ancient discovery of yours.!!!!!!!!!
It is better to say as an attachment in this regard that today one of the most prominent and perhaps the greatest Islamic scholar in Iran is Ayat … Javadi Amoli, whose interpretation of the Qur'an under the name of Tafsir Tasnim has been published in 37 volumes so far(if I'm not mistaken) And it is supposed to reach 80 volumes, I found out with just a simple search on the Internet that they also agree with the theory of free speech, of course I emphasize that I may have made a mistake in my perception.(Do your own research)
Now Mr. Hamed, can you write us the names of those commentators who spoke against Abul Kalam?
Apart from all this, if you had only read the sample commentary, you would never have insisted so much on your claim..
 2-Regarding the legitimacy of wars:
Mr. Hamed, I am happy that you explained the word “slave” You introduced all those books and sources(And of course, it was a very complete and convincing explanation)This is because whenever I talk to you in this regard, not only are you unable to explain, interpret and expand even one verse of the Qur'an, but you only say that I do not know that there is such and such a hadith about the Prophet, Imam Ali, and such and such a person without Mention the hadith and its source, which I also say, you don't need to mention them, because here I say that Arajif is the one who wanted to cover up this act of Abu Bakr and Umar, in fact, as I said, when Umar asked Hazrat Ali to participate in the war Hazrat Ali's non-participation was a confirmation of the illegitimacy of these wars. There is a lot of room for discussion in the explanation of Hazrat Ali's consultative role with Omar, but let me tell you, first of all, in the letter that the Prophet wrote to Khosrow Parvez, in the conclusion of the Prophet's thesis, the Prophet clearly says “otherwise(Non-acceptance of Islam) The sin of the Magi is on you”It is neither a threat to war nor a demand for compensation.
On the other hand, we have to see whether Hazrat Ali acted in the style of Umar and Abu Bakr during his caliphate or not. If you read history, the answer is not only negative, but we see that Hazrat Ali did not march to any land after reaching the caliphate. He did not, on the contrary, he went to war with cruel people like Muawiya and Khawarij who were inside the Islamic land(The same people you are proud of).
In relation to the fact that you said that the figures of the dead and captured women are exaggerated, I reject your statement here for several reasons.:
 One)First of all, we have to see how much the population of Iran was at that time, which is mentioned in the Analytical History of Sadr Islam book (I don't remember the author, but I remember it had a green cover) According to historians, the population of Iran at that time was 40 million people(And even in some sources 400 million people) And even based on the estimate of the late Saeed Nafisi, 140 million people have been mentioned, which if we assume the same 40 million, the population was not small..

two)After the rule of Islam in Hejaz, the number of births among the Arabs increased very much, especially with the motive of sending troops to the surrounding areas, which now had a religious justification..

Three)These are the confessions of Arab-Islamic historians themselves.
Therefore, the capture of 300,000 Iranian women and girls is not far from expected(And also the figures of the dead)And if there was no United Nations today, instead of 7,000 women and girls, ISIS would have captured more than this number. But my question is why you yourself said it was exaggerated. Well, if we assume that 3,000 women were captured by gangs, is it still not a crime? For you, the dimensions of a crime must be big to be seen? The discussion is about winning a divine religion, not about a war in order to gain booty or torment a nation..
Therefore, I am saying right here that there were ten or twenty Iranian women in every Arab man's house, even if you remember from the Mukhtar series, Mukhtar, only in one scene that I saw, at least ten Iranian slaves.(Man and Woman)On the other hand, I remember a sequence in the same series that referred to the construction of a brothel of Khorasan girls in Basra. Of course, a look at the modern Arab man(Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, and Kuwait mean the marginal people) It speaks for itself. Do you know why? Because the Syrian people are willing to go to Europe, but not to the Arab countries along the Persian Gulf.!!!!Do you still know why? Because in a letter, the Syrian actress says the reason for this is that the Arabs on the outskirts of Pars see Syrian women and girls as sex slaves. Then you would expect the ancestors of these Arabian people to have been soft 1400 years ago. If this is the case, then why is the origin of Wahhabism from Saudi Arabia? Why, according to the Speaker of the Tunisian Parliament, is Saudi Arabia the main terrorist exporter?
Hazrat Ali says in Nahj al-Balagheh, after I heard what my soldiers did to the Jewish girl, after I wrapped around myself like a snake bitten, I said to myself that Ali should die, it is better than if something like this happened during his reign, then you say that he Has Omar been an accomplice?
Mr. Hamed really doesn't need to discuss such a thing, but we just need to make a fair judgment in this regard. To be fair, he says that if this same Cyrus had attacked Babylon because of his desire for power(If we all know that it was the king of Babylon who started the war and we all know what a cruel king he was)And in the meantime, if he guessed that his soldiers would rape several thousand women and he ignored this, then he was also a criminal. Mr. Hamed, you want to know how much it hurts to have your wife stolen, go and look at the Syrian nation, I When I imagine that 12,000 Syrian girls have been forced to marry in Egypt for a small price, my heart hurts. Then you expect this historical event that happened in Omar's attack on Iran, which you yourself admit was at least an act of aggression.(It is no exaggeration to say that 3000 women were captured)Shall I deal with it? It's a pity that Mr. Hamed does not have the fairness to make a correct judgment on this matter. If the situation was the other way around and you believed in God, the resurrection, and prophethood, and divine justice before Islam, would you have knowledge and wealth?(Gandishapur University is a sign of the glory of science and knowledge in ancient Iran, an example that cannot be found anywhere in Saudi Arabia.)And then Islam appeared among other people and they treated you like you(Thank God, you yourself admit the crime of the Arabs, you just reduced its scale and you justify it very easily)Claiming brotherhood and equality, they destroyed your country and enslaved your women(3000 is not an exaggeration, so let's assume the same number)And then they called you Ajam, did you really look at something like this as a blessing and mercy?
Mr. Hamed, the scenario of ISIS today is very painful, don't you really find it interesting that ISIS mentions Omar and Yazid and others like them in their manifestos? Isn't it interesting that the name of the leader of ISIS is Abu Bakr? At least if we say that ISIS designers are looking for historical figures to use them as a model for Daesh, the question is why Abu Bakr and Omar(If you think they did the right thing)They have been chosen from among the historical figures? Why not Hazrat Ali?
Did the messenger of Islam appear to eliminate war and bloodshed or to present a new version of war and bloodshed?
If you bring me a thousand hadiths to prove the legitimacy of those attacks to me, I will not accept it, you only have to prove this legitimacy to me through the verses and interpretations of the Quran. But if you stand firm on this, then I must say that they say “Islam is the religion of the sword” So it is really true and I really have to worry about my safety in the future even though I am a Muslim.
Mr. Hamed, in the end, I would like to tell you that instead of trying to be hostile to Iran's history on this site under any pretext that you have preserved your Arab honor, it is better to have a review of your thoughts and beliefs; you know, anti-Islamism.(In my opinion, we should say anti-Muslim because no divine religion is hateful)In England, it has increased by 70% compared to last year? Mr. Hamed, do you know that according to the official statistics of the United Nations, more than 5,000 Tunisians have joined terrorist groups? Is the root of this happening something other than stonewalling and takfir? ​​Why are Islamic countries with eight years They were united and went to war with Iran, which was itself an Islamic country? Why have the Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan dragged this country into the abyss of destruction? Why do a significant part of the Palestinian people support ISIS, as they buried two young men with ISIS flags? In my opinion, such people, who are unfortunately not rare among Muslims, do not have the correct version of Islam..
Mrs. Angela Merkel, the Prime Minister of Germany, said a beautiful thing a while ago, she said:” In the future, we will tell our children that the singers of Syria and Iraq came to our country while they were closer to Mecca and Medina.” Yes, this is the reputation that people like you have built for yourself, and it is better to think about yourself.
 3-You said that the charter belongs to Iraq, well, you are free to think as you like, but I am interested in why people like you eat the bread and salt of the Iranian people in Iran, but you protect the interests of Saudi Arabia and its allies? Not long ago, one of your comrades named Alias “Ana Arabi” He had written a hadith from the Prophet about the complete destruction of Iran with such enthusiasm that I think that if all the people of Iran were killed, there would be a happy assembly for that gentleman..
Mr. Hamed, you are free to try to give legitimacy to wars, but my advice to you is that since this is your speech in relation to a divine religion, speak a little more cautiously on this matter, God forbid if your words end up in the name of Islam You must be responsible in the Day of Judgment.
Thank you for listening to my words and I will be happy to see your answer, but considering that I have a lot of work to do until the end of May, I will not be able to answer until the end of May. I will be involved in the sidelines for a few months. If you give an answer, I hope to God, then I will answer to the best of my knowledge.


I say where Saeed is, he is not there, I am worried about him


Don't worry, I just finished my exams, on the other hand, I was busy with a lesson project . I know I have to answer your last comment and I was expecting this from you.
I have been visiting the site for a few days, but I did not have time to answer
Wait for my answer, because thank God you admitted what you had to admit, and most importantly, I was happy that you were able to talk about the word “slave” Introduce a whole source, now I will say why?


I am definitely waiting for a new theory from you!!!

Hope so

Every common sense knows that being Iranian and being a Muslim do not contradict each other. But the material written about Cyrus biasly compares these two characteristics. Let's look at such materials more carefully..

 Why are these materials attributed to Cyrus always available only in Persian, while there is no Hebrew or Greek source at all, while Persian was not written at that time like now, why while the translation of existing historical works shows that Cyrus was not a monotheist, insisting on monotheism They have it!Why don't the older sources mention the name of Cyrus as a righteous king? And a thousand other reasons …..


By the way, Mr. Abul Kalam gave this opinion based on the Torah and the books of Herodotus and other Jewish books, including the dreams of the Prophet Daniel and the statue attributed to Cyrus and the works of an iron wall or a piece of iron in North Asia. The Torah and Jewish books and Herodotus are mostly distorted. And it is fake and unverifiable. The statue attributed to Cyrus is also a humanoid statue with an Elamite dress, a hat or crown with horns similar to ancient Egyptian statues and derived from them, and the presence of the Star of David and the Jewish symbol on the hat and on the ear. And he has two wings like an angel. Well, a multinational statue that can be attributed to many people and even prophets. For example, Prophet David because of its star or Prophet Suleiman who dominated all the tribes of his time (Multinationality of the statue) And he traveled everywhere easily (Wingedness of the statue) And even Egyptians and Elamites. Which part of this statue is similar to other Achaemenid statues? Even its beard is not similar to the statues of Persepolis. The best guide for interpreting the Qur'an is first the Qur'an itself and then the traditions of the Ahl al-Bayt. The meanings of some words of the Qur'an should be searched in the Qur'an itself. In the verses 83 and onward of Surah Kahf, which is about Dhul-Qarnain, one should pay close attention, there is no mention of army and army in any of the verses. Which word is the meaning or example of army. Dvalqarnain is alone everywhere. Verbs are singular. “Even if it reaches sunset”. He reaches the place of sunset. Here he saw the sun. “found it””Even when the sun rises”. He reached the place of sunrise “He found it rising on a people for whom We did not make a shield for it”. He came to a people who have no cover other than the sun itself”We said, O Dhul-Qarnayn, either you will be punished or you will treat them well”. You like to torture them and you like to forgive them, so he was completely alone and he was talking to God.. Cyrus and Alexander and …. Which war or country expansion or travel did they do alone and have they had a relationship with God?. Not even a single case has been recorded in history.!Well, Dalqarnain first goes towards the sunset and then towards the sunrise and then continues his way until “Even if he reached the two dams” He reached between two dams. According to Herdot's statements, Cyrus first has an attack to the west, then an attack to the east, and an attack to the north. So, where in the verses does it say that Dhul-Qarnain is going towards you?”Follow a reason” “Even if he reached the two dams” It uses one of these reasons. Reaching between two dams. They ask for a dam, but Zulqarnain makes a path for them. “Binkam and Binham Redma”. It means stronger, impenetrable and stable than the dam. How long will it be stable? Then the Lord's promise came”. When the promise of my Lord comes, He will tear it to pieces. “And the Lord's promise is true”. The promise of my Lord is true.
And leave some of them shaped in some”And when the day of that promise comes, the mighty creatures will be like waves, wandering and anxious, and the trumpet will be blown.” So from here we understand that this footprint will remain until the Day of Resurrection. This permanence and persistence of this path until the Day of Resurrection is the main feature, not its iron and copper.
Well, this dam is either the path of Cyrus or Iskandar … The Qur'an insists that it will be stable until the Day of Resurrection and after that it will be broken into pieces by God's promise. Where are these remains that Abul Kalam referred to? That means they were destroyed and there are remnants of them that are not in accordance with these verses and do not have this characteristic. And it doesn't.
Allameh Tababaei and Ayatollah Makarem have considered Abul Kalam's theory closer to other theories.. But they did not give it full validity and did not accept it 100%. However, in several narrations, the Prophet addressed to Hazrat Ali and said that you are the Dhul-Qarnain of this Ummah.. Or we have a hadith from Mr. Imam Hassan Asgari(ع). In response to a person who wants to know the Imam after him; After showing Imam Zaman, he said to them: Like this among you is like Dhul-Qarnain. Then the man asks them why {Imam Zaman} Are they Zulqarnain? What is the reason? Imam says because he is absent from among you.


Saeed, I say, do you know the difference between Arabs and Arabs? 2- Do you know that there are some theories like a big theory in Islam that are contradictory to the extent of past and present references? 3- Saeed, you knew that disobedience to a non-human being was considered a great sin, and no one from close friends has ever disobeyed, let alone disbelief and polytheism with God.! Is it from a prophet or a righteous servant? But we know the meaning of Salaf's height! Now, how many thousand years is Abraham away from Cyrus, he committed idolatry, can it be said that we are the predecessors? Now is the greatness of the sin of polytheism and disbelief in God, so that God forgives every sin except disbelief and polytheism!!! This conveys the importance of the issue, so we do not use the length of the Salaf here!!؟۶- Can you tell me what those two are?
You prove to me that Cyrus' charter is not his own, so that I can believe that Cyrus himself is Dhul-Qarnain, because several gods are mentioned in the charter..
I would also like to mention that the charter does not belong to Iran and the original owner of this charter belongs to Iraq!! It means that the main owner of it is the country of Iraq.


Mr. Hamed, you asked some questions and I will answer them:
1- You said that Cyrus talked about several gods and respect for one stone god in his charter, so he committed polytheism and as a result, he cannot be Zul-Qarnain, because Zul-Qarnain is a righteous servant..
Well, now I say, first of all, according to what was said in the charter, he rebuilt the destroyed places of worship, which is not a proof that he is a polytheist, because first of all, he was not a prophet who wanted to be an idolater, and secondly, this was done in line with democracy and freedom of religion. We have witnessed it in today's world, but the main thing that can be the reason for Cyrus being a polytheist is that he owes the conquest of Babylon to Marduk, the god of Babylon, which I say cannot be said with certainty that this is the reason for his being a polytheist because, for example, it is possible that on cleverness or any other special reason(For example, respect for the people of Babylon)He said this to avoid violence …As an example, I will tell you a story from the life of Hazrat Yaqoob from the book “History of the Prophets” Written by Seyyed Hashem Rasouli, I will tell you about places:
“During an incident, there was a dispute between Hazrat Yaqoob and his brother Ees, and in fact, Ees had a grudge against Hazrat Yaqoob, after years of living in his city, Hazrat Yaqoob had acquired many assets and finally decided to return to Syria and Palestine, but from his brother Ees was afraid and was afraid that he would try to kill and harass him, so Masoudi said that he sent a gift to Ees in advance, and he said in the history of Moruj al-Zahhab: Yaqub had 5500 sheep and for this purpose he sent a tenth of them to his brother, and also wrote a letter to his brother and wrote this sentence below it.:”Abdak Yaqoob” From your servant Yaqoob”
Now Mr. Hamed, is it not possible to say why a prophet of God, who always told people that you are only God's servants and not anyone else, why has he introduced himself here as the servant of another human being? As a result, he is not a prophet!!!!!!!!!
(Of course, I must say that these are historical quotes, and it cannot be said with complete certainty that they are true)
And by the way, it is interesting to know that Jesus and his troops had intended to kill the Prophet, but after seeing these gifts and reading the letter, he stopped killing him. The stages of his life were monotheistic; therefore, it cannot be said for Cyrus based on one sentence that he was a polytheist because he was a Zoroastrian and all Zoroastrians believe in monotheism, prophecy and resurrection, as other Achaemenid kings refer to the oneness of God in their inscriptions. Have.
۲- You said that the charter was in Iraq
Assuming that the charter belongs to today's Iraq, there is no reason that it does not belong to Cyrus, because Iraq was a part of Iran and I said before that the existence of so many Kurds in Iraq, Syria and Turkey shows that these lands were once in have been the domain of Iranian civilization and not that Iran has occupied those lands; As the Kurds themselves say:” Kurds are the most Iranian of all ” .And it is interesting to know that the Kurdish language is very close to the Avestan language and not to the Arabic language. Just as the people of Tajikistan are Persian speakers and were once Iranians, it is not that the Persian language was imposed on them, unlike the Arabic language that was given to the Egyptians and It was imposed on the people of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq that a certain famous Egyptian writer said that if we had Ferdowsi, our language would not be Arabic today..
3- In relation to those two verses, I already said that you call Omar's soldiers the Mujahideen of Islam, so that means you consider Omar's attack on Iran as legitimate; then, citing two verses from the Qur'an, I(Verse 82 of Surah Nahl and verse )I wanted to prove to you that according to the words of the Qur'an, fighting and attacking other countries to spread religion has no legitimacy, but you told me that I do not know anything about the Qur'an..
Now, I request you to make these two verses clearer for me using the knowledge you have regarding the thematic interpretation of the Qur'an and prove that my understanding is wrong..
But I say, if these wars were true, then why didn't Hazrat Ali, who had never refused to participate in any war to defend Islam, not participate in any of the wars related to the conquest of Iran? It was not in one or two wars, but in 14 wars, but Hazrat Ali was not present in any of them, why?
Do you think enslaving 300 thousand women and girls is Islam?
Is when the Prophet(ص)They conquered Mecca, was blood shed? Was a woman enslaved? Was someone killed for not accepting Islam on the order of the Prophet? Of course not.
I am eager to know your opinion on those two verses of the Quran


I am very grateful that your Excellency emphasized the many gods of Cyrus' time and his respect for them, and at least we found something in common because some friends blindly rejected the paganism of the Babylonians. 1- In the case of polytheism with God, the case is no different at any time, and polytheism with God is as great a sin as it is. And there is no difference between an unbeliever and a prophet or a righteous servant, of course the punishment of righteous servants and prophets is many times. Shirk is so important that it is divided into two types of hidden shirk and public shirk, and then these two are divided into several shirks, and all these bring the importance of the issue and do not make excuses worse than sin.!!! If it is as you say, then Yaqub committed polytheism to save his life.!!! But that's not all. We must say that anyone whose name is Abdul Hussein, Abdul Zahra, Abdul Hassan, etc.– But you have forgotten one thing about the Arabic language, and that is the meaning of Abd (("Abd" has several meanings in the word: First, in the meaning of worshiper and worshiper, the one who declares servitude, humility and obedience in front of his god.. The second means slave and mamluk–Source–The first meaning: “The common people gathered on a division between the servants of God and the slaves who are owned.” Maqayes al-Lughah, vol. 4, p. 205; “Alone, serve him, submit, humiliate, and obey him.” Al-Munajjid, pg. 486; The meaning of dum: “The slave while he is the owned,” Maqayes al-Lughah, vol. 4, pg. 205; Al-Mamlouk Al-Munajjid, pg. 483; The servant, the servant. Maqaies al-Lughah, vol. 4, pg. 205, and al-Munajjid, pg. 483.))So the Prophet changed his opinion with this trick and foresight. 2- Regarding the charter, it was only known that the charter belongs to the current country of Iraq. 3- How many Arabs were there in the peninsula that so many women and girls were captured, but there must have been ten or twenty Iranian women in every Arab house? Of course, I have answered this before because of the exaggeration in history, and interestingly, all my friends confirmed my words. Imam Ali did not participate in any war during the Caliphate era, but he also did not accept any office. ((He did not even participate in the battle)) So you can't say that because Imam Ali did not participate, the wars were null and void, of course, Imam Ali gave advice in several cases during the war that led to the victory of Islam, and some of the generals of the war were close companions of Imam Ali, so that some Imam Ali called them from his family. He himself knew that they are known for their faith and piety in Islam, and the Prophet narrated several hadiths about them. And in the end, because of Ali's love for peace or martyrdom or exile, he cannot reject or accept the war, because Imam Ali said that if I were here, I would have conquered Iran in the best way, so the war between Iran and the Arabs was Imam Ali in charge And what caliphs was certain. And the Holy Prophet also mentioned this matter.

Cyrus, the father of the Iranians (The name of the author of the comment was edited by the administrator)

-Of all the Arabs in the world, I only accept the Prophet and his family...only 14 innocents...- Hazrat Ali says: I am from Arab, but Arab is not from me! 
The meaning of this statement is deep and I think that Arabs and Arab supporters like Hamed are able to understand it. The Persians were godly and did not need books, and it is quoted in a hadith that Imam Sadiq(peace be upon him) said: If the Qur'an had been revealed to the Gentiles, the Arabs would not have believed in it; But the Qur'an was revealed to the Arabs, non-Muslims believed in it, and this is a virtue for non-Muslims. So, God is a Quran that is not eloquent(Non-Arabic)It was in eloquent language(Arabic)He sent it down on the Arabs, but because of the ignorance of the people, but after 1400 years, they are still getting high on me. - God also says: (Then when the promise came to the first of the two, We sent against you servants of Ours possessed of great might, and they probed through the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled.) (captives: 5); When the first promise comes (And you commit corruption, bloodshed and crime) We are sending a group of fighting men to you (to crush you hard) And to find criminals, they will search your houses and this is a definite promise. Various things have been said in the interpretation of this verse. Some people have suggested that corruption and crime refers to the corruption and crime of the Zionists, which the strong fighters of Islam have been promised to defeat.. In some hadiths, it is stated that Imam Baqir(peace be upon him)He read the mentioned verse to the end, the audience asked: Who is meant by this fighting and fighting nation, which crushes the enemy? Imam Baqir(peace be upon him) He said in response: “By God, they are the people of Qom.”;10 swear to God! They are from Qom - "They." (Arabs) There were those to whom We gave the Book, the Commandment, and the Prophecy. So if they disbelieve, We will appoint a people over them who will never disbelieve." tip 89
Umar asked the Prophet: O Messenger of God, what kind of people are these people? The Prophet said: By God, they are Salman and his people.- In another short story about Iranians by Amir Momenan Ali(ع) It has been quoted as follows: Holy Prophet(ص) He said about the Persian people: as you (The Arabs) You will strike them with a sword for supporting the religion, the world will not expire and will not come to an end, unless these same Iranians will strike you with a sword for the renewal of Islam and the support of the Quran, and the implementation of the heavenly commands of this divine book. And they will fight you. –  


After Abdul Moneim al-Nimr, the most important scientific and religious figure in the Arab world, Saber Saleh Zaghloul, wrote a very detailed book of 327 pages in 2011, which was published by Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi for publishing and al-Tawzi – Cairo has distributed it. Under the title :”the founder of the Persian state and the father of Iran; His life and his conquests, and is he Dhul-Qarnayn?” The founder of the Pars state and the father of Iran- His life and victories and the end of his work, is he Dhul-Qarnain?” The great thinker of the Arab world has expressed various opinions about Dhul-Qarnain, including his views and views – Abul Kalam Azad, Abdul Moneim al-Nimr, and Al-Shaykh al-Shaarawi and concludes that Abu Kalam Azad's view is closer to reality. The important point is that until now Sheikh al-Shaarawi's opinion about Kuros being Dhul-Qarnain has been kept secret from the Arabs.[۱] Shapur Shahbazi writes, these arguments cannot be accepted because the winged man cannot be the image of Cyrus, because it has examples and parallels in the art of the ancient world.. Also, Cyrus did not build a dam in the Caucasus and he had no relationship with the Yuechi who entered the stage of history four hundred years after him, and he had no relationship with the Mongols who opened a place in history thousands and several hundred years after him.. The two-horned ram mentioned in the Torah has nothing to do with Cyrus because he was never defeated by the Greeks.[۸]”
I also copied this article from Wikipedia


It's simple, a person who makes a partner and respects idols cannot be a Dhul-Qarnain, not even a single sin can be forgiven.. It stays like this (I don't say imam masoom) An imitation authority should say that in order to attract Satanists to us, we should respect their evil gods for a while and say, "What a god you have."!!! Well, with this reasoning, none of the 124,000 prophets, not Noah, would have tried for 1,000 years, nor Saleh, Hud, or Abraham, would have broken idols, nor would the Holy Prophet have spread Islam and would not have broken idols.. And now there was a small idol in every house. This means associating with God a great and unforgivable sin!!!
Now run ahead, close your eyes to the truth and say that the Babylonians were not idolaters or say that this will bring democracy.!
My dear, they return the charter of gods to their place, what kind of god is this that is moved by human hands, and then he talks about two or three gods that are in the form of idols and can be transferred. !!! You can do a little research on the idols of Babylon to see if they were idolaters or not !!! And in the end, the prophets and righteous people used to avoid even the smallest sin. If he was one of the righteous, he should have removed the idols, instead of committing the greatest sin, which is polytheism!!!Regarding the theory of Allameh Tabatabai, first of all, he was older than him in the history of Islam, and his theories were rejected, so the person himself should not be considered.!! For example, if Einstein said that the earth is the opposite, everyone should have believed it. Why?!!! Because Einstein said … This means ignorance!!! Later, Allameh mentioned several people with documents and documents, most of the details were related to other rulers and kings, and he wrote only a few lines about Cyrus and he based on Abu Kalam's theory. … If he had any knowledge about the translation of the manifesto, it would have been impossible for him to say such a thing, and unfortunately, the translation of the manifesto was completed in the late seventies and after his death, and then it was published in Farsi, and it was published publicly in the eighties..


The verse … Makarem, who are still alive, so what are they?
First of all, why don't you mention names? Well, name two commentators of the Qur'an or the interpretation of the Qur'an who have proven that Cyrus is not Dhul-Qarnain, why are you just talking?
Secondly, if we are to compare the actions of those who lived before Islam with the orders of Islam, then Hazrat Yaqub(refuge in God)They committed haram, so they should not be prophets either, because they married two sisters, in the event that marriage with two sisters was allowed at that time, as even the noble verse of Surah Nisa says.: ” … And that gathering between the gods, but we are the predecessors”
Translation:Do not marry two sisters and do not marry, except for what has happened in the past
Therefore, it is the responsibility of the commentators of the Qur'an to talk about these issues, and you, Mr. Hamed, if you claim so much that I don't know that someone rejected this theory, it is better to name them instead of just saying that they exist..
The only problem with Hamed is that you are anti-Iranian and extremely Arab-loving
You can't even explain those two verses of the Quran


Hello Mr. Hamed, it's a shame, I was blessed by your words, it was really great, I had a few questions for you, I would be grateful if you PM me 0921******


Mr. Hamed, you should leave Iran, you are not an Iranian!
The Qur'an said about Cyrus, "Then who are you to come and strike the Qur'an?"! You are the ones who made the country deaf, even Prophet Moses spoke of the good deeds of Cyrus, but you come again and say that religion is not important, it is not idolatry or fire worship that is important, it is people's humanity that matters, for example, if Islam is the best religion of God, but if there is oppression in it OK, I can't believe it! Think first and then speak!

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