Iran in the contemporary era

  • Prophet's letter to Khosrow Parviz

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  • Timur Lang, Sistan, Farzandan Rostam and Ferdowsi

    Ferdowsi had created the interest of visiting Zabulestan in Timur. In Timur's first stop at Bad Meshk, he met his father and his six sons. Their bodies and eating were so strange to Timur that he went to them and asked.: Did Rostam come from your land? said the old man…

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  • Bakhtiari (An original Aryan tribe)

    The original Iranian people can be found in Illor ( Great Lor; Il Bakhtiari and Ler Kochak people of Lorestan) Kurds, Baloch and Nambard, all of which are sub-branches or families of Parthians. Il Bakhtiari with a population of over 4 میلیون نفر به تنهایی بزرگ ترین ایل

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  • Biography of Major General Abbas Doran

    Abbas Duran (20 Mehr 1329, Shiraz – 30 July 1361, Baghdad) He was one of the pilots of the Iranian Air Force who played an important role in bombing Iraqi enemy targets in the early months of the Iran-Iraq war.. In the first two years of the war, pilot Abbas Doran had more than 120 operations and overseas flights…

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  • National and religious values ​​in Bakhtiari's view

    فرستنده نوشتار:جناب جهانگیرمحمودی حجه الاسلام جهانگیرمحمودیمهندس مرادفرامرزی جایگاه ارزش های ملی ودینی درنزد بختیاریان چگونه است؟ آیا می توان به استنادبرخی از وقایع وگرایش ها؛ تحلیلی منطقی ومورد وثوق از بزرگان بختیاری وچهره های ماندگار آن چون علیمردان خان ارائه نمودوبه جایگاه ارزش ها نزداین قوم وحتی درمیان

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  • The Russian government's fear of Nader Shah Afshar

    1 In January 1732, the Russian government, according to the memorandum that was delivered to the representative of the Iranian government in Rasht, the provisions of the agreement of the year 1724 He declared himself null and void with the Ottoman government, which was signed by Peter I and the Ottoman Sultan.. According to this contract, with the advent of Nader Shah…

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  • Execution of Babak Khorramdin

    On the day of the execution of Babak Khorramdin, the day before the execution, the Caliph consulted with the elders of his court about how to bring Babak around the city and show him to the people so that everyone could see him.. According to the opinion of one of the courtiers, it was decided to take him around the city on a pillion.…

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  • The meaning of the beautiful name of Iran

    Airia – Irene – Aryavarta – His pain – Arya Vej – Iranvij – Special Iran – Ariana – Aran – پرس ایران – Persia – IRAN به آن گروه از آریایی‌ها که مهاجرت نکردند و در «ناف جهان» که به‌زبان اوستایی «ائیرینه‌وئیجنگه» (airyana-vaējangh) خوانده می‌شد، ساکن بماندند و با نام

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  • Zarathustra and Nietzsche, philosophers of culture

    مقدمه يكي از سوالاتي که هميشه در ذهن خوانندگان نيچه، مخصوصا ما ايرانيان نقش بسته انتخاب نام ‹‹زرتشت›› پيامبر نيك انديش ايراني براي بزرگترين و جاودانه ترين اثرش است. امّا براستي ‹‹زرتشت نيچه›› كيست؟ ‹‹داريوش آشوري›› مترجم بزرگ آثار نيچه، نيچه را ‹‹فيلسوف فرهنگ›› ناميده است. زيرا درگيریِ اصلیِ انديشه‌یِ

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