Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence
Ancient PersiaThe rule of the Medes

Biography of Hokhstar

The entrance to Hovakhshtra tomb - Sulaymaniyah
The entrance to Hovakhshtra tomb – Sulaymaniyah

It's better Or Yes, it's better Ferutish's son ( I bought it ) He is one of the most powerful and the first king who established a universal monarchy in Iran and promoted Iran as a world power of that day. .

The name of this king was written by the Greek historian Herodotus as Quaxar, but it appears from the inscription of Darius the Great that Hokhashtra is more correct. . This king is rare in history, when he sat on the throne, the condition of Medes was very dangerous and the king's position was inappropriate.. But he soon realized that he had to do something and start reforms in order to fix the unfavorable situation in the country. . His first step was to provide an orderly and unified army, because he had learned well from his father's bitter experience with Assyria that the Madian guerilla soldiers would never be able to fight with the seasoned and war-tested soldiers of Assyria. . Therefore, he provided a permanent army like the Assyrians . The infantry was prepared for bows and arrows and the cavalry were skilled archers who had been accustomed to horseback riding and archery since they were children, just like the horsemen of the Parthian several centuries later. .

After rebuilding the army and organizing the country's situation, Hokhashtra made a friendship with Nabubulsar Shah of Babylon, and to strengthen this agreement, he gave his daughter Amitish as the wife of Nabubulsar's son, namely Nebuchadnezzar.(Bakht Nasr II ) was given.

As it turns out from history, Amitis became bored after living in the plains of Mianrodan for a while and he missed the high mountains of his homeland, so his wife ordered the construction of gardens so that the height of the walls would be a symbol of mountaineers for Amitis. These gardens are called hanging gardens in history ( suspended ) has become famous .

Hokhashtra, after providing troops and troops towards Assyria, the Assyrians resisted hard, but finally the Assyrian commander was defeated and the Medes army entered Assyria, Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, was moved to Shahrband. ( siege ) take off . However, due to the strength of the walls of Nineveh, Hokhashtra could not penetrate into it, and so he ordered a part of the army to loot and destroy the plains of Abadan Assyria, because he wanted to destroy the name of Assyria forever. The malice of the Madians was the oppression of the Assyrians against the Madians .

When the Median army was marching forward with victory, suddenly the report of Scythian raids in Azerbaijan and other places arrived, and it was such that Hokhashtra was forced to give up the siege of Nineveh and return to its territory and fight with the enemy. . In the battle with the Scythians, Hokhashtra was badly defeated and had to accept their conditions . They spent six years together in war and peace, until in the sixth year, Hokhstara called the generals and officers of the Scythians to a party and poisoned them all, and then drove the Scythian army out of Iran. .

After Hokhshetra provided relief from the Scythians, they destroyed the Assyrian empire with the help of Nabopulsar, and Saragos, unable to stand against the Medes and Babylon, burned himself and his family in the fire. . Then the city of Nineveh was razed to the ground and the world was freed from the oppression of the Assyrian government .

Ben Mayeh :

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Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence

Shamshad Amiri Khorasani

Knowing the history and culture of Iran is like entering a world where nothing awaits us except love and honor and sometimes sadness, maybe our history is stored in the memory of our genes so that we can use it to expand self-awareness and self-awareness. .

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