Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence
Ancient PersiaIran in the contemporary era

Persian(Persian), the second classical and ancient language (Among the four classical languages ​​of the world)

Persian is so beautiful
Persian is so beautiful

Persian, the second classical and ancient language

European linguists and writers at the end of their three-day meeting in Berlin in mid-September 1872 was held, they declared Persian as one of the four classical languages, along with Greek, Latin and Sanskrit.. In this meeting, Indo-European languages ​​were studied.

In this meeting, the Persian language, in terms of being classical, language no 2 (After the Greek language) Contract. In this sense, the Persian language is a century from Latin and 12 It is a century ahead of the English language.

In the same meeting, the Avesta language of the branch without Persian speakers was announced and it was said that Avesta originated from Eastern Khorasan. (The northern part of Afghanistan today, Tajikistan and Fararod) and therefore, it is very likely that Zoroaster was born in this region and went to Azerbaijan from there. In the definition, a language is called classical if firstly it is ancient, secondly it has rich literature and thirdly it has made few changes in the last millennium of its life..

Therefore, judging based on the literature of the language and the percentage of its changes in a thousand years is premature. No language has been immune to changes over time, but the fewer these changes, the more classic and robust the language is.. The language of Iranians and Persian is the same language that Ferdowsi and Hafez wrote poetry about. The same words, phrases and grammar.

At the Berlin conference, linguists and writers agreed that Persian literature was at the top of other nations' literature in the Middle Ages, and Iran had more poets, writers and thinkers than any other nation in those centuries. (Hakim = philosopher) He has created that their words and thoughts can be heard and instructive for eternity.
In the meetings of the years 1922 And 1936 Authority of Persian language (second place) Among the ancient and classical Indo-European languages, it was once again confirmed.

Taken from Noshirvan Kihanizadeh

Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence

Shamshad Amiri Khorasani

Knowing the history and culture of Iran is like entering a world where nothing awaits us except love and honor and sometimes sadness, maybe our history is stored in the memory of our genes so that we can use it to expand self-awareness and self-awareness. .

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Cyrus, the father of Iran

Greetings to Aryan brothers
And now Mr. Shamshad made Iranians proud of their language


Hello, when was the exact date of the Berlin meeting? September 1872? AD? That is 143 years ago? So these statistics are not valid now.


Greetings to my fellow citizen Fahim

Saber Mohammadpour

Thank you for your very informative and informative site, which helps a lot to enrich and improve the Persian language.
Saber Mohammadpour

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