Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence
Ancient PersiaIran in the contemporary era

Nader Shah Battle of Karnal


One of the golden leaves of the rare conquests was the victory over the Indian troops 1707 It was a big and powerful empire that had no rivals in the region in terms of wealth and population 1719 With the arrival of Muhammad Shah(A rare competitor) The countdown to the fall of this empire began. And his stupid mistake was sheltering the fugitives of Kandahar and killing the messenger.. His advisers never imagined that Nader's soldiers would be able to completely conquer Afghanistan and go to Delhi, but India was destined to receive the first blow in the new century from its western neighbor..
Nader was 10 kilometers from Delhi in the Karnal plain. Nader's sudden arrival made the savage Mohammad Shah believe that he had entered the Indian subcontinent and come to battle with him with a large army.. The next big mistake of Muhammad Shah, which caused his dynasty to be ruined, was that instead of using his large army to preemptively attack Nader, he waited for Nader's attack, while the Indian Army, according to historians like Iqbal, had 300 thousand soldiers and 20 thousand elephants, and Saadat Khan After the king did not listen to his words to attack, the Indian general separated from the other forces with 30 thousand troops and went to Nader's war, but the superiority of Nader's force and the speed of the Iranian cavalry killed the bravest Indian soldiers and he himself was captured by Nader. can be.
After this, Nader realizes that defeating the vast Indian army is possible only with the help of tactics, so he uses his experience of western battles to make the best use of the riflemen.. The Iranian riflemen also formed regular formations and attacked the Indian troops who were advancing under the shelter of elephants from a distance, and because the Indian archer soldiers were useless, thousands of Indian soldiers perished before reaching the Iranian army..
But the terror of the elephants gives the main blow to the Indian army because the sound of the bullets and the burning effect of those elephants scares the elephants and causes the death of the Indian soldiers..
Iqbal says:<<Indian casualties are 20,000 and with the casualties of the Nader Corps, which is only one 42 It was not comparable at all because Indians fought with bows and Iranians fought with rifles>>
But Nadir's speed of action and confusion in the Indian army prevented the Indians from even using their hundreds of cannons. The defeat of Karnal practically left Delhi defenseless against Nadir's huge army..
The result of the Karnal battle
The conquest of India was widely reflected in the world because this country was important and valuable from the point of view of the Dutch, the Portuguese, the Chinese and the British, and even the Russians wished to approach it. The battle of Karnal in 1738 He doubled the fighting power of the Iranians in Central Asia, and the witness of that was the quick conquest of Bukhara, Khiva and the Indus River, and practically Nader put the Turkmen and Uzbek bandits and aggressor khans in their place, because his wealth was now so large that he could establish any mercenary army he wants.
Of course, on the other hand, the conquest of Hendra can be seen as a negative point for Iran, because the British policy throughout the years of the 19th century was shaped by the idea that Iran should remain weak, because a strong Iran can conquer Afghanistan and India at the same time within a few years. crush.

Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence

Shamshad Amiri Khorasani

Knowing the history and culture of Iran is like entering a world where nothing awaits us except love and honor and sometimes sadness, maybe our history is stored in the memory of our genes so that we can use it to expand self-awareness and self-awareness. .

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