Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence
Ancient PersiaClean Zoroaster

A look at the biography of Zarathustra, the prophet of Iran

Zarathustra, the prophet of Iran, the earth
Zarathustra, the prophet of Iran, the earth

Sender and collector : Zia – i

Zarathushtra's personal situation …

In the younger Avesta, the names of Zoroastrian's father and mother are Porusespe ( Puroshep in Pahlavi ) and Dogdova ( Doghdo in Pahlavi ) Come . Poroshep from Sepitama dynasty ( Sepantman in Pahlavi ) And he was a man known for his knowledge and love . Deghdo was the daughter of Ferihim Rawa from an aristocratic and religious family .

Purushesb and Deghdo's marriage resulted in five sons, and Zarathustra is the third of them . Zoroaster learned the first lessons from his father and other famous scholars of his city . It is written that he had a sharp mind and an inquisitive spirit and at the age of fifteen he had learned all the knowledge of his time. . After fifteen years of investigation and thinking about the creation, and scrutinizing what he had learned from the masters, Zoroaster's vision reached the point where he knew that gods are a false idea, and that there is only one creator, from whom all beings belong. . Finally, he was chosen as a prophet at the age of thirty .

Even before he was chosen as a prophet, Ashu Zoroaster explained his views about God's way of life and existence to others. . However, after being chosen as a prophet and receiving the message of Ahura Mazda, he was propagated with special effort, and this work faced the hostility of the princes and clerics of his time, who saw their interests in danger. . Clergymen ( Mughan ) They benefited from receiving ransom and sacrifices for the gods and from people's belief in superstitions; And the princes wanted to keep the people in the darkness of ignorance and rule them without any trouble .

The message of the Ghats, which was spread by Zoroaster, weakened their position . Opponents - polytheist princes and clerics - threatened Zoroaster's life . Inevitably in age 42 He decided to emigrate ( Migration is mentioned in the Ghats ) And he went to Bactria in the east of Iran with his faithful disciples, and in that land he was able to find many followers, including King Ghastasb of Balkh, and his wife Hotusa, who accepted the religion of Zoroastrianism and became his supporters. . In the Gathas, Zarathustra repeatedly reprimands evil rulers and utilitarian clergy who try to keep people in ignorance and take advantage of them. . Ashu Zoroaster 47 Sal tried with all his soul to teach and spread religion and finally when he was busy praising Ahuramazda in Adrian. ( fireplace ) He was killed by a malevolence called Torbrator . According to religious writings, Eshu Zoroaster got married to Huwoi .

Huwei was one of his followers . From this union, there were three sons named Iset Vastre, Orotate Nare, Horchitze and three daughters named Ferini, Thiriti and Poruchista. . The word Zoroastrian is made up of two parts . ” visited ” which means golden and ” Oshtra ” that from the root ” Osh ” It means clear and it means ” golden light ” Is . According to a belief, the original name of Zoroaster was Sepitame, which was taken from the name of the family and the founder of this family, and Zoroaster is the name that was given to a prophet when he was chosen. . ( This comment is correct . Because we see that the original name of the Buddha was Siddhartha and after achieving true insight, the name of the Buddha means ” turned on ” He was given to Jesus after being a prophet ” Christ ” They were called sanctified by oil ) .

Zarathustra's time …

Odochus the Chaldean, who lived in Iran in the fourth century before Christ and was familiar with Zoroaster and his philosophy, and was one of Plato's close friends, mentions the time of Zoroaster six thousand years before Plato. . Lydian Khantos in the fifth century BC ( Simultaneously with Achaemenid Ardeshir I ) He lived and wrote a treatise about Zoroaster, the history of Zoroaster 6000 It mentions the attack of Xerxes to Greece the year before . Given that the date of Xerxes' attack on Greece 480 BC has been the date given to Khantos 6480 BC matures . Pliny's history of Zoroaster from Aristotle's words 6000 He knows years before Plato and considering that Plato about 347 Before Christ passed away, Zoroastrian history to something close to 6410 It reaches BC . Hermi Pus, who lived in the third century BC, wrote the history of Zoroaster 7 A thousand years before Christ . Agathias, a Greek historian who was Christian in the sixth century ( Sassanid era ) Lived, wrote : The time of Zoroastrian creation and propagation of religion is not clear . Iranians say that he lived during the time of Vishtasab, the father of Darius . But this is extremely doubtful . Whatever the date of its origin, there is no doubt that Zoroaster was a prophet who changed the ancient religion of the Iranians . Mary Boyce, considering the closeness of the language of the Ghats to the language of the Rig Veda, the history of Zoroaster 1750 It mentions the year before Christ .

Finally, Zarathustra …

According to the Zoroastrian tradition, Ashu Zoroaster in Balkh was worshiping Ahura Mazda by Torbrator. ( His brother's tour ) killed . According to tradition, Zoroaster 77 He was years old . Years ago during one of my trips to Afghanistan in Mazar Sharif ( which is famous for Mazar Ali ) I heard from someone who said that Mazar-e-Sharif was the tomb of one of the greats before Islam, and after the domination of Islam, to prevent destruction, it was called Mazar-e-Ali. ( ع ) have read, while it is certain that the tomb of Ali ( ع ) It is in Najaf . This has also been done in Iran, for example, in order to preserve the tomb of Cyrus in the Marghab plain of Fars, it was called the tomb of Suleiman's mother, and in order to preserve the fire temple of Azargashab, it was named Takht Suleiman. . Isfahan Jame Mosque was built on the site of one of the Zoroastrian fire temples . From the moment I visited Mazar-e-Sharif, the thought that Mazar-e-Sharif might be the tomb of Prophet Zoroaster entered my mind, and recently in Paris, an Afghan scientist confirmed my guess. . (1).

Commonalities between Iranian and Indian religions …

One of the important points about the separation of the Iranians from the Indians is that after the separation, the Iranians expressed the concepts and ideas that were born of the new conditions in the form of the same ideas that they had before. . They tried to include the old gods in their new religion . This fact is so important that even a group of Orientalists believed that (( Mazdaism )) The legacy is the era when Iranians and Indians lived together . The reason for this is the existence of similar thoughts and opinions with similar sentences in the books (( Avesta )) And (( Goodbye )) Can be found . The most important of these funds are as follows : Both of them lived in the stage of worshiping nature . God has the same name and form among both peoples . The name of one of the gods in Sanskrit (( Asura )) But in Avesta (( Ahura )) Come . And also some (( upside down )) The same in Hindi (( Ahura )) they know . other (( Deva )) ( god ) is in Sanskrit as (( medicine )) ( divas ) And in Avesta (( Deva )) ( daeva ) It means heavenly existence . He is called holy water (( هوم )) ( always ) have been called in the Vedic tradition (( soma )) ( Soma ) There is . There are stories in common between the two peoples, which is the most important (( Brave Emma )) ( The name of the sun at sunset ) is considered the king of the underworld .

Zoroastrianism …

The religion of Zoroastrianism is the first codified Iranian religion that has a book and series of codified rules and regulations . Zoroastrianism is also called Mazdaism, which means the worshiper of Ahura Mazda; Because in this religion, it is believed that the world is called God (( Mazda Ahura )) Or (( Mazda )) Is .
Zoroastrians (( Magus )) Have also said . Researchers have expressed different opinions about the origin of the word magus : Some people call it from the root (( moho )) ( Moho ) which is a Chinese word, and some of the root (( Magha )) ( Magha ) They know Sanskrit . But among the researches that have been done in this regard, there is the research of Prof. Purdaud, which clarifies the issue to some extent. : According to Purdaud's research, this word is used only for Zoroastrians; As the word (( Meg )) ( Maga ) Gathas are used in five clauses and words are used in two clauses (( different )) ( magovan ) It means followers of religion . Words (( mg )) It is also from this root in Farsi . In the form of Magus Ma'rab, the same (( مگوس )) ( wizards ) is used by the Arameans . This ritual was considered the official religion of the country during the Sasanian period . Followers of this ritual (( Gabber )) that's mean (( The unbeliever )) have also read that it could not be caused by anything other than religious differences between them and Muslims .
The name of Zarathustra, the prophet of this cult, (( Zrachter )) has also come . For his name in addition to meaning ( Owner ) (( yellow camel )) which have more consensus on it, meanings : (( star boy )) ، (( Shining like gold )) ، (( Brilliant intellect )) ، (( divine ray )) ، (( truthful )) And … have brought . (( spores )) ( Haug ) English his name to (( supreme guide )) has translated . His nickname (( Spentman )) Or (( From Spit )) It is also mentioned in the Gathas .

The birthplace of Zarathustra …

( There is also a difference of opinion about the birthplace of Zoroaster . According to Avesta, the birthplace of Zoroaster was the bank of the Darja river in Airyan and Vaijah. ) .
Some researchers place his birth in Azerbaijan and some others (( Re )) Or (( vessel )) Or (( drag )) they know . In any case, what is certain is that he came from the Medes, who are a branch of the Aryans in the north and east of Iran. . His place of birth was probably one of the northern cities of Iran, and it is assumed that this place was next to the Aras River. .
He in 20 Old age is removed from people and life begins with austerity . He makes continuous efforts to recover the truth . At the age of 30 He was born next to a river called Dai T ( Some scholars consider it to be the Aras River today ) He is ordered by Ahura Mazda to invite people to the Ahura religion . After receiving the order of Ahura Mazda, he promotes and spreads this religion .

Mazda …

In front of Ahura Mazda ( Espantamino ) who is the God of purity and light and the gathering of all goodness and beauty, Ahriman ( Inger Menu ) Or the god of ugliness, the gathering place of all kinds of injustices and impurities . This is where interpretation and interpretation differences begin : Some people think that the religion of Zoroastrian religion (( monotheism )) And a group, on the other hand, believe that Zoroastrian religion, Tanuite religion, etc (( Dualism )) Is . As promised (( Kai Bar )) Because the Greeks believed in several gods, they also considered the Iranians to be polytheists . (( Thomas Hyde )) He insisted on monotheism of Zoroastrians and to prove his point of view (( the dung )) According to the words of tourists like (( chardonnay )) And (( Mendelso )) They believed in one god, it is named . (( spores )) He believes that Zoroaster was religiously monotheistic but philosophically dualist .

Man has to fight in this world with everything that is ugliness and filth or is a manifestation of it, and his only weapon in this continuous fight is truth and purity. . Herodotus writes : Iranians do not consider anything as embarrassing as a lie, and after lying, taking a loan; Because they said : The one who owes is bound to lie .

Three principles of salvation …

The three principles of salvation in this religion are: : (( yes )) ( Faint ) or nice idea, (( Hohte )) ( Hukhta ) or good speech, (( Horoshet )) ( havarashta ) Or good character . These three constitute Zoroastrian's moral formula that a person should base his life on . Every person who behaves according to these three patterns, has helped Ahura Mazda in defeating the devil, and his reward is good and a place in heaven. . These three principles are among the best and most eloquent moral commandments that Iranians are proud of as declared by their ancient religion. .
The existence of fire in this religion has provoked many debates and caused some Iranians to be considered fire worshipers . If this is not the case, fire has been considered an important factor among Indian and European people since the beginning . Zoroaster only gives it a moral and spiritual aspect . They argue about fire like this : Fire is praised as a manifestation of purity and truth and not as a deity . Fire in this ritual has exactly the same role as the Qibla in Islam and the cross in Christianity .

Zoroastrian books …

The Zoroastrian religion is a book called Avesta, which is in the form of (( Absta )) ، (( Is )) ، (( Sta )) ، (( took )) ، (( Pustaq )) , And … have also brought . Avesta to (( Book )) ، (( Rhythmic word )) ، (( knowledge )) ، (( foundation )) And … have meant . And this is also a point of dispute . Avesta is a type of encyclopedia containing many materials about the board, astronomy, law, justice, ethics and … was considered . Such were the characteristics of the main Avesta . 1000 Season, in 21 Volume, which is generally believed (( Pliny )) It was two million bits . Avesta that exists from the Achaemenid period 815 Chapters and Avestas that were collected during the Sassanid period 348 It has a season . The Avesta consists of two parts :
1 - Ancient part included (( Ghats )) ، (( وندیداد )) , And (( ویسپرد )) .
2 - New part included (( Yashts )) ، (( prayers )) , And (( A fragment of Avesta )) .
The Avesta that is still available now contains five books : It is Yesna, Visperd, Vendidad, Yasht, and Avesta . (2).

Avestan language …

Before, they had a difference regarding the Avesta language . Some thought it was from the east and others from the northwest of Iran . Since ancient times, due to the existence of the Achaemenid cuneiform lines and their comparison with the Avesta language, it has been proven that the sacred language does not belong to the southwest of Iran. . Recently, due to the lines in Turfan ( Turfan Valley is located in the Tian-šan mountain region in northeastern China's Turkestan . A part of Shapurgan Mani's book, often called "Shapurgan" by Arab and Iranian historians, was found in the mentioned valley. ) It was found that the Avesta language is completely different from the Soghdokhton or Eastern Iranian language . Therefore, today there is no doubt that the Avesta language belongs to the Maghreb of Iran . (3).

Adaptation of words from Avesta, Talshi and Tati languages

an attempt
( Rezvanshahr)
an attempt
( Astara )
( chlorine )
( vineyard )
necessitate – asthma
From – the
From – the
From – the
Useless - worthless
turn – skin
Dar- dadar
Hadara - hadara
Dar- dadar
work – trains
work – card
Kurdah- order
The whole card -kelakārd
Çaqo – čaqo
Egg - seed
Tom - tom
Tom – tum
Tom - tom
Tom - tum
back – peretav
feather – pard
feather – pard
Perd – lose
Port - port
sugar cane – in the gene
Woman – žēn
Woman – žēn
Zillah – for zall
Zeyniye - zeyniye

Sayings of Zoroaster …

There is only one way to salvation and that is the right way .. زرتشت ..
A bad teacher keeps us from the truth .. زرتشت ..
Happiness is for someone who adheres to the truth .. زرتشت ..
A wise person always takes the right path and an ignorant person takes the path of lies and corruption .. زرتشت ..
The one who has the power of truth is undoubtedly victorious in the trials of life .. زرتشت ..
Those who value kindness and humility remain clean and well-groomed .. زرتشت ..
The All-Knowing God has given us the freedom to be responsible for our progress or backwardness, our happiness or our sorrow, by choosing ourselves. .. زرتشت ..
Those who turn away from the truth and lead the world towards destruction, do not benefit from knowledge and wisdom .. زرتشت ..
A person who benefits from knowledge and education will not join a liar .. زرتشت ..
The honest person should be the friend of the honest person and the guide of the liar .. زرتشت ..

Cho came and went from time to time … A tree appeared in the ground
From Ivan Ghstasb to the front of the palace … A thick tree with many horns
All his leaves are advice and rain of wisdom … Who died because of wisdom?
Blessed is Pi and his name is Zardohasht … that killed the evil deed
He said to Shahjahan, "I am a prophet." … I will lead you to Yazdan
Farah Yazidi appeared … Get out of the heart of bad people
The path of idolatry was abandoned … spread to Yazdan worship

References :
(1)- A new view of an ancient religion - Zoroastrian philosophy - Dr. Farhang Mehr - 8th edition : 1388 - Jami publication - pp 37 – 38 – 39 – 117 – 122 – 125 – 127 – 128 – 129 .
(2)- great philosophical ideas, ( Seventy philosophical essays ) , selection and choice : Dr. H . Babak, Shargh Publications, June 1356 , p 551 – 564
(3)- Avesta ( Ghats ) , Ebrahim Pourdavud, Parmis Publications, first edition, 1389 , p 58
(4)- An Approach to Zoroastrian Times and Neo-Avesta Texts, Hans Reichelt, report : Jalil Dostkhah, Phoenix Publications, first edition, 1383 ، صص 514 – 713 - Avestan words from this source .
(5)- The culture of Tati and Talashi, Ali Abdoli, Dehkhoda Publications, first edition. 1363 , different pages, words of Talashi Rezvanshahr and Tati Kalor from this source .
(6)- Tati Takestan Culture, Reza Rahmani, Sal Publications, first edition, 1390 , different pages .
(7)- Talshi Astara's words from the author of the article ( Talash Lovers Blog - Astara ) is .
Author and compiler : Zia – i / Talash lovers blog ( Astara ) .

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Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence

Shamshad Amiri Khorasani

Knowing the history and culture of Iran is like entering a world where nothing awaits us except love and honor and sometimes sadness, maybe our history is stored in the memory of our genes so that we can use it to expand self-awareness and self-awareness. .

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Tawheed Azbanab (I am teacher)

Greetings, politeness and many thanks to the teachers who prepared and wrote this historical and research article, whose identity and identity is ancient, bright and proud.…Mairanian Rabian says..


Truly, peace be upon you
By the way, I am sorry for those who write bad things about Koresh Kabir and Ashu Zoroaster and try to humiliate the ancients.
Thank you for your efforts to collect scientific information for us
Indeed, the wise will be found
Unfortunately, some Islamic websites that are destructive to the characters of ancient civilizations are trying to increase ignorance and their Islamist and bigotry practices will not bring misery and misery to this land.
On the one hand, I am happy to have people like you, and on the other hand, I am sad about the Islamist illusions of Muslims
If possible, write a little about ancient Iranian scientists and Zoroaster's discoveries in astronomy and medicine


Your words are very difficult and it is difficult to pronounce them, if you can put more clear words. Thank you


It is really enjoyable for me to read the history of the greatness and glory of Iran, and I regret that why in the textbooks, we pay so little attention to the history of Iran before Islam, and there comes a time when there is little time to study more about our history, culture and personalities. We had the history and beliefs of today's intellectuals a few thousand years ago.
Mr. Amiri Khorasani, you may also write articles about Mesopotamian civilizations such as Sumer and Babylon.. In Wikipedia's free encyclopedia, these civilizations are discussed sporadically and are not complete, and many things are dumb.. (Like the hanging gardens of Babylon, which is one of the seven wonders of ancient times, and it is difficult to imagine with the few explanations it has, as well as the ideas and civilization of the Sumerians, who somehow see us as the result of the engineering of a handful of space beings, which both makes me laugh and makes me think. .)

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