Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence
Clean Zoroaster

History (Avesta)

The history of Avesta :

Avesta has a very painful history. In the ups and downs of this land's history, it was looted and looted many times. During the long-term wars of Iranians, Turanians, Greeks, Tazians, Turks, etc… Because of their bigotry, it has been stolen, burned or thrown into water many times. It is said that Avesta poems and prayers were memorized for long centuries, as was the way of the ancients, and were written in a script called Din-Dabira script.. As much as we know that the Avesta was preserved in writing in the 5th century BC; According to the reference in the Dinkord book, the Avesta was prepared and compiled in twenty-one verses, which were written in two copies, written in golden water on cow skins, and in two holy places, one in Ganj Shipigan.(Shizigan) They kept in Azerbaijan and another in Dejanbasht in Fars. When Iskandar Gjestek reached Iran, he burned Dejanbasht and, among other books, one of the copies of the Avesta was also burned.. According to traditions, the other copy that was in the Shipigan library was taken to Greece and translated into Greek by order of Alexander, who was aware of its importance.. After this, during the Parthian period, one of the Zoroastrian Zoroastrian religious kings named Balash I ordered that the Avesta be compiled and written down.. During the Sassanid period, they collected the scattered Avesta: Ardeshir Babakan assigned one of the learned priests named Tensar to it to carefully collect the scattered Avesta.. After him, his son Shapur I, ordered to try to collect other parts of Avesta. In order to resolve the dispute, Shapur II ordered to review the Avesta in Azar Mehraspandan again carefully and arranged for the Avesta to be accepted and approved by everyone, and they prepared it in twenty-one books, and the Avesta that we have today is a quarter. Avesta is Sasanian (All Avesta is not Zoroaster's heavenly book). These 21 Nesk are divided into three parts. The first part or Gathanic interest, which includes the ghats(sometimes) and translation and interpretation of it; The second part of the Avesta verses was called Hatak Mansrik, which includes mantras and prayers, and the third part was called Datik, which is related to the rules and laws of this world..

Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence

Shamshad Amiri Khorasani

Knowing the history and culture of Iran is like entering a world where nothing awaits us except love and honor and sometimes sadness, maybe our history is stored in the memory of our genes so that we can use it to expand self-awareness and self-awareness. .

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Excuse me, where can I get Avesta?


Best Regards. You wrote an article about Ghats and Asman, but I can't find it. did you delete


Best Regards. You had written an article about Ghats and Asman, but I will find it. did you delete

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