Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence
Iran in the contemporary era

How to establish the dynasty of governors of Lorestan

After the fall of Atabakan Ler Koch by Shah Abbas Safavi I, another line of dependents of this family was formed in the Lorestan region of Pashtkoh, which is called the Lorestan governors' line.. This dynasty was formed by Shah Abbas I to replace the small Atabakan Ler dynasty who did not have a very warm relationship with the central government..


According to the information available in the sources, the founder of this dynasty is a person named Hossein Khan from the Selvizi clan. (forgery) Was. This clan was considered one of the clans in Lorestan. They claimed that they are descendants and dependents of Hazrat Ali (ع) And one of the descendants of Hazrat Abulfazl Abbas (ع) They are called Abbasids in some sources. [1]

Based on the writings of famous historians such as: Hamdaleh Mostofi, Skanderbeg's secretary and Molajalal Manjem of Yazdi, Hossein Khan was the founder of the dynasty of governors from the Selvizi tribe and the son of a person named Mansour and one of the royal courtiers of Atabakan Ler Soharri. [2] And Mansoor Bey and his ancestors were from the Selahvarzi or Selvizi tribe, and Kempfer wrote in his travelogue about their ancestry that Hossein Khan and his descendants were related to the Atabakan dynasty and from the Ler tribe group.. [3]

Rebelliousness and rebellion of the last Atabak Sunir, who was from the main clan of the Selahvarzi clan of the Chengroui tribe. [4] It caused Shah Abbas I to try to destroy him and finally, after the extinction of the Atabakan Ler Koch dynasty, he handed over the rule and rulership of Lorestan to a little-known and not so well-known clan, "Filias, which was another Silurzi clan" and Hossein Khan's family gradually became so important from the time of Shah Abbas that the small Fili tribe overshadowed the fame of the Selevarzi clan and the Chengroui tribe, and from then on Lorestan Lor Koch became known as Lorestan Fili and to all clans and tribes. The tribes living in Lorestan used to say Fili, and later, during the Qajar period, the territory of the governors of Ler was limited to Pushtkoh, and the name Fili was exclusively for the tribes and nomads of Pushtkoh Lorestan. (Current Ilam province) was applied. [5]


1- Author: Dr. Morteza Akbari, History of Ilam, Qom, Fiqh Publications, 2nd March 1386 ص 382

2- Mulajlal Manjum Yazdi, p 159-160 and Skanderbeg Manshi, volume 2, p 864

3- Engelbert Kemper, travel book, translated by Kikavos Jahandari (Tehran: Khwarazmi Publishing House 1368) ص 161-162

4- Hamdaleh Mostofi, selected history, p 550-551 and Sharaf al-Din Badlisi, Kurdish history and Kurdistan (letter of honor) ص 57 (He mentioned the tribe of Selahvarzi as Selbori and mentioned the tribe of Changroi as Jangroi..

5- Rawlinson, p 52

Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence

Shamshad Amiri Khorasani

Knowing the history and culture of Iran is like entering a world where nothing awaits us except love and honor and sometimes sadness, maybe our history is stored in the memory of our genes so that we can use it to expand self-awareness and self-awareness. .

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