Ancient Persia

  • Beautiful pictures, love for the country

    Today, for you Iran friends, a package with the title (Mehr to the country) We have prepared 13 Different design of two photos + 1 Photo To see all these designs, go to the next article. All these photos are in a compressed file in the article and are ready for download. Pay attention to all the photos.…

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  • Famous women in the history of Iran

    Introduction 17 The proud lioness of ancient Iran …………………………………………………………………… Youtube : Iranian female general who was the sister of Ariobarzen, the famous general of Darius III's imperial army . He was in command of a part of the army in the battle with Iskandar Gojestak along with Ariobarzen. He closed the way to Iskandar in Bakhtiari mountains.…

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  • What is nationalism?

    In the name of the only God, what is nationalism? Who is a nationalist? Greetings to Parsian Dej users, today I decided to answer two basic questions for you, dear users, so that you don't get confused in some issues. What is nationalism? Who is a nationalist? Nationalism or nationalism…

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  • History of Iran, Iranian identity

      چرا باید پیشینه کشور از جمله پیشینه باستان و دوره معاصر را زنده نگاه داشت؟ چرا باید تاریخ کشور را بررسی کنیم؟ شاید شما بارها از دیگران شنیده باشید که میگویند: ما نباید وقتمان را در تاریخ گذشته هدر دهیم و با یک ژس مدرنیته گرایی صحبتشون را تمام

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  • Pure photos of ancient Iranian artifacts

    Today, we have prepared photos of ancient Iran for you Parsian Dej users. Dedicated to all Iranian friends 10 A picture of ancient Iran that you have rarely seen, read on to download the book (Pure photos of ancient Iranian artifacts) Go to the next article…

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  • Lady Verta, the great philosopher of Iran

    Bano Vrata ( 414 until the 314 before Christ ) The great philosopher and wise man of Iranian history in the year 401 during 13 He was a student of Arshit Dana ( The first philosopher mentioned in ancient Iran) Arshit Dana came at that time 75 It was years old.…

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  • Great blindness (Father).(Server).(Legislator).(Christ the Lord)

      There are few kings in the world who have left behind a good name like Cyrus.. Cyrus was a great, generous and benevolent general. او بدان اندازه خردمند بود؛ كه هر زمان سرزمين تازه يي تسخير مي كرد، به مردمانش، آزادي مذهب مي داد،

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  • Dam construction in ancient Iran

    Dam construction or dam construction is one of the engineering activities that the specific historical and geographical conditions of the regions play a significant role in its origin, formation and expansion.. در گذشته و در هر منطقه خاص جغرافيايي بنابر ضرورت يا نياز ساكنين آن جا نسبت به ايجاد

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  • Iran in travelogue (Marco Polo)

    Travelogues are valuable sources for historical studies. These works have recorded the details of customs, habits and social life of the past tribes. «سیاحت‌نامه فیثاغورث در ایران» منسوب به فیثاغورث دانشمند برجسته یونان قدیم، «المسالک و الممالک» ابن‌خردادبه، «سفرنامه ابن‌فضلان»، «سفرنامه ابودلف»، «سفرنامه ابن‌حوقل»، «سفرنامه ابن‌بطوطه»، «سفرنامه کلاویخو» و «سفرنامه مارکوپولو» ازجمله

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