Ancient Persia

  • Getting to know the Eternal Corps

    پيش از داريوش ايران سپاه منظمی نداشت و ارتش آن بصورت افراد غير حرفه ای اداره می شد . داريوش به تشکيل سپاه جاودان پرداخت که شمار ايشان به ده هزار تن می رسيد . در هر شهر پادگانی وجود داشت که در ارگ آن شهر جای داشتند و فرماندة

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  • The story of Iranian honor – Parthian king

      The king of Iran, the land of Pakor (Second) The son of Blash I and the 23rd king of Parthians sharply confronted his general and said : Why to one of the opponents of Rome? (Nero the Rebel in the Roman Empire) Permission to enter Iran and Tisophon ( The capital of Iran ) you gave…

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  • Getting to know Arash Kamangir(Arash Kahraman)

      Arash-e Kamangir is the name of one of the ancient Iranian myths.   The legend of Arash the archer is one of the stories that appeared in the Avesta, and in the Shahnameh, Arash is proudly mentioned in three places, but the story of Arash is not mentioned in the Shahnameh.. In Pahlavi books and also in Islamic history books…

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  • Do not let the character of Cyrus the Great be attacked

    In the name of pure Ahura Mazda, if you have doubts about Koresh the Great … If you have any doubts about the history of ancient Iran… If you want to know who Cyrus the Great was… If you want to know who Dhu al-Qarnayn is … Please read this article… This article is about some attacks on the character of Cyrus the Great and the history of Iran…

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  • Patriotism of Master Shahriar (The great Azerbaijani poet)

    The importance of the unity and integrity of Iran by Master Shahriar , His secrets to national solidarity The most important of Shahriar's poems, which has a direct reference to the separation of the Iranian lands of the Caucasus and the division of Iran's soil, is a piece of poetry addressed to the Caucasian poet Mohammad Rahim.: Yigit Ler Yurdu Caucasus, Sane…

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  • Reconstructed images of Persepolis (پارسه)

    In the name of Yaganeh Dadar, you are the special post of the Persians of Dej(On the occasion of the arrival of ancient Nowruz) Nowruz, the day of the victory of light over darkness and the victory of good over evil, to all our fellow countrymen, friends of Iran, Persian speakers of the world, be happy.…

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  • Great actions of Darius the Great

    بعد از پایان جنگ های داخلی و و استحکام پایه های قدرت داریوش به شوش رفت ودستور داد تا بر خرابه های شوش شهر و قصری با شکوه بسازند. سپس بعد از استفرار در آپادانا طی مراسمی با شکوه با آتوسا دختر کوروش کبیر ازدواج کرد و با این اقدام

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  • The biography of Darius the Great and the suppression of internal rebellions by him

    After the death of Cyrus, his eldest son Kamboja came to power. Kamboja ordered to prepare for the attack on Egypt. Before the attack on Egypt, Kamboja ordered to kill his younger brother Berdia to protect his kingdom.. در سال ۵۲۹ قبل از میلاد سپاهیان کمبوجیه با

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  • Music in the East and Iran

    کهن ترین تمدّن موسیقیایی در تمدّن های بین النهرین و مصر باستان (معابد و کاخ ها)و نخستین نشانه های رشد موسیقی، در تمدّن بین النهرین (سومر، آشور، بابل و کلده) have been. کهن ترین همنوازی جهان و وجود ارکستر و استفاده از سازهای بادی، زهی، و کوبه ای و ارتباط

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