Ancient Persia

  • Story (The wind has brought treasure) Khosrow Parviz

    You must have heard that the wind brings treasure, so now pay attention to the interesting story of this proverb: During the reign of Khosrow Parviz Sassanid, a war broke out between Iran and Rome, which led to the victory of the Iranians. The Romans chose a person named Heracles as king.…

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  • The truth of the battle of Marathon

    In the year 510 BC, Hippias from the family of Pisistratus, the tyrant of Athens, was driven from Athens by the Spartans, and Hippias took refuge in Artaphernes, the governor of Sardis.. The people of that city sent a representative to Artaphernes and asked him not to help Hippias in any way, but the governor of Sardis…

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  • Music in ancient Iran

      Since the time when Iranians lived in the arms of the plains and valleys with their other co-races, the Aryan tribes, with the life-giving tunes of music and the singing of hymns and poetic expressions, the tension and pleasure that the sight of the pleasant scenery of nature, the clear and blue sky, and the various colors of the horizon, at any time…

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  • Antiochus III (Odersal)

    He became king in 223 BC and is known as Antiochus the Great. He, who had become a king in his youth, was able to gain power in the east. He made Molon the satrap of Media and Alexander the satrap of Persia.. وي به سبب جواني همه اختيارات حكومتش را به وزيرش

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  • Tepe Zavieh-Madi and Manai

    The historical castle of Ziviyeh is on a relatively high mountain 55 It is located one kilometer southeast of the city of Saqqez. This fortress was built during the time of the Medes and Manaites around 700 BC, and in terms of architecture and works of art, it is one of the unique places of this historical period. This fortress includes halls, courtyards, numerous rooms, halls.…

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  • The tomb of Ishaq Vand

    The Achaemenid tomb of Ishaq Vand consists of a set of three tombs side by side, which is located on the top of a hill overlooking the plain.. اين گور دخمه در شمال شرقي روستاي نوده در كنار جاده آسفالته پل چهر قرار دارد.نام اين گوردخمه ها برگرفته از نام روستايي

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  • Gotham nations

    گوتيان ساكنين سرزمين گوتيوم واقع در كوههاي شمالي بابل بودند.آنها در زمان نرمسين يا فرمانرواي ديگري از سلسله اكدي بابل بر بابليان حمله كردند و حدود يك قرن به نام سلسله گوتي يا گوتيان فرمانرواي بابل بودند .نقش برجسته معروف هورين شيخان در بالاي رود دياله از اين قوم است

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  • Ancient characters

    ديواره ي كوهي كه توسط هنرمندان در هزاره هاي قبل هنر آفريني شده است( آبخواهي، زايندگي، بركت و محافظت) كه هنرمندان دوره هاي جديدتر هم براي اينكه مشمول امر خير شوند، در كنار نقش هاي قبلي كهن تر، نقش هاي بزكوهي جديدتر خلق كرده اند. اگرچه سبك هنري آنها متفاوت

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  • میراثهای بدون موزه

    نقش هايي كه از هزاران سال پيش مقدس بوده و امروز هم مردم براي بر آورده شدن مراد بر آنها شمع روشن مي كنند و سنگ مي چسبانند بدون اينكه از فلسفه ي چرايي آنها اطلاع واثق داشته باشند و این موزه های كهن و نگارخانه اي كه آثار

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