Achaemenid rule

  • Darius the Great is a unique ruler

    هیچ می دانید كه آتوسا دختر كوروش، همسر داریوش كبیر و مادر خشایارشاه بوده است؟ هیچ می دانید كه در جریان به پادشاهی رسیدن داریوش آتوسا نقش بسیار مهمی را ایفا كرده و در شورایی كه برای تعیین پادشاه تشكیل داده بودند، آتوسا حرف آحر را زده است. این مسئله

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  • Biography of the Cambodian emperor, the son of Cyrus the Great

    sent by : Unknown Emperor Kamboja II was an Achaemenid king from 530 to 522 BC.. He was the eldest son of Cyrus the Great and Kasandan. Cambodia attacked Egypt after the death of Cyrus the Great. The reason for the attack was the killing of 12 Iranian merchants by the Pharaoh of Egypt.…

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  • Shirdal Griffin or Gryphon in ancient Iran

      Griffin or Griffon ( Griffon / Gryphon ) which is called Shirdal in Farsi ( Dal means eagle in Farsi )It is one of the common mythical animals among many Asian and European peoples, which has a body like a lion and a head and wings like an eagle.:…

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  • Parmes and Cyrus the Great

    The Iranian army is ready for war and the riders are on their horses, King Koresh of Iran has said goodbye to his relatives and was planning to lead the Iranian army, one of his relatives informed that the wife of a soldier gave birth to four children… He said goodbye and intended to lead the Iranian army . one of the relatives…

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  • Examining the death of Cyrus the Great

    بررسی از روایت های مرگ کورش بزرگ مرگ كوروش به روايت ژوستن روايت اين نويسنده در زمينه نوشته هاي هرودوت است و تفاوتهاي كمي با آن دارد.به روايت ژوستن پسر ملكه در جنگ اول كوروش با ماساژتها با كوروش به خاك افتاد و لشگر بزرگش از بين رفت،با اين وجود

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  • Examining the death of Cyrus the Great

    Rough, see, oh, oh, mazdaw (“O people, I am Cyrus the son of Cambodia. I have made the Persians a global force, I have become the servant of Asia. Don't spare me this handful of dirt which is my grave.”) ( According to Arrian, the ancient Greek historian.) (The burial ritual of Cyrus, the father of Iran and the Earth) about…

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  • Analysis of Cyrus the Great Charter

      بسیاری از ترجمه های ناقص و دارای عیب و اشکال منشور کوروش بزرگ که در فضای تارکده(Internet) And many books are available; In fact, it is only a Persian translation of the English or French translations of the writings of this cylinder, which have many mistakes and flaws.. But…

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  • Moral education and correct and scientific education in the opinion of ancient Iranians

    Although it is very difficult to find comprehensive and perfect knowledge about an ancient period like the Achaemenids; However, many researchers provide an overview of that period by examining sources and evidence, and many of them point to the good achievements of this era.. Mr. Ali Sami…

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  • What is Cyrus the Great's thought?

    هرچند یافتن دانش همه جانبه و بی نقص درباره شخصیتی مانند کوروش -آن هم پس از گذشت چند هزار سال- بسیار دشوار است؛ اما با خواندن و بررسی منابع، می توان نمایی از اندیشه و کردار این مرد تصور کرد. با خود اندیشیدم که چه واژگانی برای شرح اندیشه کوروش

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