Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence
Proud women of Iran

Youtab Sardar, Iranian woman, sister of Aryobarzan

یوتاب سردار زن ایرانی خواهر آریوبرزن

Youtab Sardar, Iranian woman, sister of Aryobarzan

Youtab, an Iranian woman who is the sister of Aryobarzan (Achaemenid) The famous commander of the Imperial Army was Darius III. Like his brother Aryobarzan, he fought to the last in the mountains near the battlefield, near Kohkiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Provinces, or in the Behbahan-e-Amroozi areas of Khuzestan Province..

But due to lack of strength and betrayal of an Iranian, he was killed by the troops of Alexander the Great and was buried in the same place. He fought with Alexander in the prison of Pars, Takab in Kohgiluyeh.

YouTube in the battle with Alexander the Great 330 (before Christ) Together with Aryobarzan, he commanded a part of the army. He closed the road to Alexander in the Bakhtiari mountains. . But an Iranian showed the way to Alexander and he invaded Iran from another direction. The enemy besieges Aryobarzan and YouTube troops, but the Iranians break the siege of the enemy.

Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence

Shamshad Amiri Khorasani

Knowing the history and culture of Iran is like entering a world where nothing awaits us except love and honor and sometimes sadness, maybe our history is stored in the memory of our genes so that we can use it to expand self-awareness and self-awareness. .

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God forgive you


Peace be upon my patriotic compatriots. I hope to see the mythical names of my Iran in the calendar of my country instead of the names of the Arabs.


sir…What do you mean by Arabs?! can you say! I have 5 people to confirm….Do you mean the Arab Imams?!Han….But …What can I tell you?….Do you have any sense?!Dear sir, I myself am a fan of our history, I love our legends, I agree with the second part of your statement that they should put their names in the calendar, but the first part of your statement makes me want to break your neck.….Dear Muslim, Imam Sajjad's mother was an Iranian princess…Our imams all have an Iranian vein

At that time there was a war between the Arabs and Iran, Imam Ali said that there is no difference between an Iranian and an Arab…It was our Imams who gave us hope in life…If you have a problem with the government, don't interfere with the imams and don't lower your level of consciousness


I have nothing to do with these things
I do not intend to be disrespectful
But why are ancient Iranians always either confirmed or denied
But why are the myths of Islam and Arab never denied
Even though I only heard about them in the Quran and not anywhere else, there are many inscriptions and stories about Iranians
I do not intend to be disrespectful, friends
But why is it like this?


You are exactly right


Maybe God wants us to understand that the world is a place of passage and life is a charter in a circle, everything is changing, and no one belongs anywhere, and all humans belong to the earth, not a country, the homeland is the earth for all of us, and how is it that your generation will not remember George Washington well after 1000 years in America and the name He has not even heard of Islamic myths and everything belongs to God, He is the one who knows.


We are Iranians first, Iranians second, Muslims third


Peace be upon Iran and Aryans. I have been writing the screenplay of the life of one of the Iranian commanders for some time.


Mahala is not allowed to produce a body, but if you make any fake film of Islamic rulers, they will give you a license and a budget


Exactly…Why really?!
For example, by making films about Qajar war and the bloodshed of World War I and II, they want to show how miserable we were and how happy we became after the revolution. ….Shame on them for allowing foreigners to make 300 movies and show us as a barbaric nation when the first charter of human rights belonged to Cyrus.


Many thanks to Professor Shamshad Amiri Khorasani


YouTube is the sister of Ario Barzan, and when Iskander gives Aryo Barzan the title of commander-in-chief of the IRGC and Aryobarzan does not accept it, some historians say that Alexander asks her to marry YouTube because he is safe from Ariobarzan's ambitions. It is impossible to give ground to the enemy. If that shepherd did not show the secret way to Alexander, Omra, Alexander would cross the Aryobarzan army and reach the capital..


Hello, there are no sources from YouTube as the sister of Aryobarzan who took part in the War of the Gamers.. In many sources, I have read the history of the Achaemenids and the Aryobarzan war, except for Zabih A.. Mansouri, no other source mentions YouTube, the sister of the Achaemenid Aryobarzan.


No, dad, now go and read Zabih-e-Rum, maybe you found it …Obviously, you are looking for it a lot…Sir, if there was no such person, why should he be named now?!Sir, I am very interested in ancient Iran, I have information about it, so please do not give me information….Keep your information to yourself, you don't have to give it to us


Peace be upon you. In the genealogy of the four famous men, Plutarch and the history of ancient Iran, Pyrenees and the history of the Achaemenid Empire, Omsted and the complete history of Iran, Serpi Sykes and Iran, from the beginning to Islam, Gershman has no name of YouTube or any other lady who was the commander of Aryobarzan.. Please ben_maye(Source) Give your speech. Themes such as Zabih A.. Banshak Mansouri who spoke about YouTube(Document) Do not leave, from the root(References) Really(Main) Name it. Thank You


For example, did you think that you can name a few books and talk about it, but we won't tell you anything?!
Dear book reader…You better know, of course, if you have read so many books…Doubt that Yotab is the sister of Ariyo Barzan, not in her existence…Because YouTube is mentioned in a written source….new…For example, there is not much information about the Parthians compared to the Sasanians and Achaemenids, because the Sasanians destroyed most of the materials.…So, can we question the entire dynasty?!There is little information about the kings. Now, do you think there can be anything left in that chaos of war when the entire throne of Jamshid was set on fire?…Yotab was a commander who was mentioned, so for me, don't think of people with knowledge


It has recently been claimed that in Achaemenid Iran there was a brave female general who was the sister of Aryobarzan and showed such and such courage.. Others have nicknamed him "Youtab Shirzan Bakhtiari"! Such a person does not exist outside and is not mentioned in any of the historical documents. YouTube is one of the latest creations of the Cyrus forgery factory.

Prince of Persia

I became a source of destruction

Alireza Mumtaz

The history of the Achaemenid era and Cyrus the Great is completely written and written on stone, but someone like Moses did not exist in Egyptian history and stone inscriptions that are so accurate.. Liar, you and your ilk are ignorant and traitors, and you are certainly one of those traitors who show the way to the enemy if given a chance.


You are exactly right. In my opinion, the history of Iran begins with the Arab attack on Iran, and the history of Iran does not exist at all.…The Kurishians also invented and painted this Pasargada, Rostam and Shahr Sokhte, and the carvings. Important door of Khyber. ***** have a historical document.
Bezdan, we had heat and intelligence.
Don't be fooled, because this congregation is too much
Everyone, not Khorast, will think of him as an infidel.
just one ***** A foreigner can make such a claim that violates the history of his country..


We are ashamed to erase the YouTube of Darius Cyrus and many others from our history


Alas, Cyrus, Ario Barzan, YouTube, as well as all the rulers of the Achaemenid period, have been removed from the history and thoughts of the people.


I heard that the Iranian who shows the way to Alexander was not a shepherd, but a question that occupies my mind, and that is how can a person show the way to the enemy so easily?

Incomplete text


There have been and are traitors in Iran and all over the world, but the most hated of them is the person who damages the statue of these heroes..

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