Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence
Antiquities and historical valuesAncient PersiaAchaemenid ruleDarius the Great

The names of nations in the tomb of Darius I

The names of nations in …
darius_tomb_reliefI am Darius the great king, the king of kings, the king of countries, the king on this earth, the son of Vishtasep Achaemenid. Darius the king says that everything I did was not apart from Ahura Mazda's ideal, but it was the same. Ahura Mazda helped me. Everything I did was good for me.. Dariush Shah says that this is the palace that was built by me at the will of Ahura Mazda. It will be seen by everyone who sees it. Ahura Mazda keeps me stable and my country.

yam \ PârsâThis is Persianyam \ BâbiruşThis is Babylon
yam \ MādaThis is materialyam \ AthuriyaThis is Assyrian
yam \ UvjaThis is Khoziyam \ ArabiaThis is Arab
yam \ ParthavaThis is a partyyam \ MudrâyaThis is Egyptian
yam \ HaraivaThis is Heratiyam \ ArmeniaThis is Armenian
yam \ BactriaThis is Balkhiyam \ KatpatukaThis is Cappadocia
yam \ WaitingThis is Sogdianshe came \ SpardiaThis is Sardi
yam \ UvarazmiaThis is Kharazmiyam \ YaunâThis is Greek
yam \ ZrakâThis is clevernessyam \ Then \ paradraiyaThis is Scythia on the other side of the sea
yam \ HarauvatiyaThis is Rahjiyam \ AntThis is Macedonian
yam \ ThataguiaThis is a set of phonesyam \ Yauna \ disparityThis is the shielded Greek
yam \ GadârayaThis is Kandahariyam \ PutayaThis is Libyan
yam \ HiduyaThis is Indianyam \ KušayaThis is Abyssinia
yam \ Then \ haumavargâThis Scythian is a home-eateryam \ MaciyThis is Mecca
yam \ Then \ tigerhaudâThis is the sharp Scythianyam \ Do notThis is work

Retrieved from Atlas of Iran

Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence

Shamshad Amiri Khorasani

Knowing the history and culture of Iran is like entering a world where nothing awaits us except love and honor and sometimes sadness, maybe our history is stored in the memory of our genes so that we can use it to expand self-awareness and self-awareness. .

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