Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence
Ancient PersiaAchaemenid ruleGreece

Enmity between ancient Iran and Greece

دشمنی ایران و یونان باستان

>The great Iran-Greece wars took place after Cyrus, but its foundation was laid during the Cyrus period. What caused the enmity between Iran and Greece was intense economic competition in a region that used to have different names and is now called the Mediterranean..


>yet still 6 A whole year had not passed since the western border of Iran reached the Mediterranean coast ((Ploy Sen.)) The writer from Athens said that Iran has greatly damaged our trade, and if this trend continues, our trade will be lost, and if we want to maintain our trade in the sea that extends from the Black Sea to the entrance of the Atlantic Ocean, we must have a strong naval force. let's bring.


This saying that in 25 What was said a century before this is similar to what was said half a century ago and they said that any government that wants to rule the sea must have a strong navy..


As long as Cyrus was there, the Greeks could not build a strong navy, and they began to do so after Cyrus's death and the beginning of the reign of Cambyses..


علت اينكه يونانيان نتوانستند در دوره سلطنت كوروش يك نيروي دريايي قوي به وجود آورنداين بود كه كوروش با يونانيان قراري گذاشت مبني بر اينكه يونانيان حق ندارند كشتي هايي بسازند كه داراي ظرفيت بيش از 70 Cyrus knew the ships whose capacity is 70 The barrel does not invade, it is not a strong warship and it cannot fight with sea waves and it mostly moves along the coasts..

The limitation of the capacity of the Greek warships not only weakened the navy of the Greek lands but was also offensive to the Greeks..

تا آن روز يوناني ها محكوم آسيايي ها شده بودند و بعد از اينكه مجبور گرديدند شرط كوروش هخامنش را بپذيرند گرفتار عقده حقارت شدند و نسبت به ايرانيان كينه پيدا كردند.اما نمي توانستند خصومت خود را نشان بدهند تا اينكه شاه هخامنش زندگي را بدرور گفت و كمبوجيه جاي او پادشاه شد.

بيزارم از دشمنانت اي سرزمين آريا…Blind look to Anx, who is your enemy ,My Iran…

اي كساني كه امروز در بستر راحت غنوده ايد آيا مي انديشيد كه راحتي امروز شما مستلزم بردگي فردا مي باشد و فردا آزاد خواهند زيست كه از راحتي امروز صرف نظر كنند؟

كوروش هخامنش

Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence

Shamshad Amiri Khorasani

Knowing the history and culture of Iran is like entering a world where nothing awaits us except love and honor and sometimes sadness, maybe our history is stored in the memory of our genes so that we can use it to expand self-awareness and self-awareness. .

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