Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence
Achaemenid ruleXerxes the Great

The Battle of Thermopylae is Xerxes' battle with the Athenians

Apparently, the war between Xerxes and Greece happened at the instigation of the Greeks living in Iran. For example, Demartus, the former king of Sparta, who fled to Iran during the reign of Darius, told Xerxes that if you attack Greece, you can easily take Peloponnese and make me king there.. Of course, in this case, he would be Iran's puppet. Influential families in Thessaly have similar motivations (A regional name in Greece) And other people did it too.

It was in this way that Khashari Shah held a consultative assembly and asked for the opinions of Iranian nobles and courtiers. In this parliament, Khashayar Shah said that since Greece is a fertile land, a lot of money and wealth flows to Iran..

Also, we can penetrate into Europe and bring many countries under the citizenship of the Iranian government. In confirmation of his words, Mardounieh also said some things, but Erdovan (Artaban) Khashoggi's uncle opposed him and said that I had told your father Darius not to go to the Scythian country because you will not succeed.. Now the Greeks are a more warlike people than the Scythians and it is difficult to win over them. But Khashoggi was upset by Ordavan's words and threatened him with torture.

Then Herodotus writes about the dreams of Xerxes and Ordovan, which ultimately leads to Ordovan's acceptance of Iran's invasion of Greece..

Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence Rokhshai, the first assistant of Iranian artificial intelligence

Shamshad Amiri Khorasani

Knowing the history and culture of Iran is like entering a world where nothing awaits us except love and honor and sometimes sadness, maybe our history is stored in the memory of our genes so that we can use it to expand self-awareness and self-awareness. .

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